Version: 2022.3
언어: 한국어
public static void CreateIndex (ref string name, ref Search.IndexingOptions options, IEnumerable<string> roots, IEnumerable<string> includes, IEnumerable<string> excludes, Action<string,string,Action> onIndexReady);


name Unique name of the search index.
options Indexing option set.
roots Search index roots, for example "Assets" to index all Assets under Assets.
includes Exclusive list of assets to be indexed. If this list is empty, everything will be indexed.
excludes Patterns to exclude assets to be indexed under roots.
onIndexReady Callback that gets invoked when the index is created and ready to be used.


Create a new search index.

static string EnsureDecalPropertyIndexing()
    var materialDb = SearchService.EnumerateDatabases().FirstOrDefault(IsIndexingMaterialProperties);
    if (materialDb != null)

    if (!EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Create decal material index",
        "Your project does not contain an index with decal material properties." +
        "\n\n" +
        "Do you want to create one now?", "Yes", "No"))
        return null;

    var dbName = "Decals";
        IndexingOptions.Properties | IndexingOptions.Dependencies |
        IndexingOptions.Types | IndexingOptions.Keep,
        roots: null,
        includes: new string[] { ".mat" },
        excludes: null,
        (name, path, finished) =>
            Debug.Log($"Material index {name} created at {path}");
    return dbName;

static bool IsIndexingMaterialProperties(ISearchDatabase db)
    if (string.Equals(, "Materials", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
        return true;
    return (db.indexingOptions & IndexingOptions.Properties) == IndexingOptions.Properties
        && (db.includePatterns.Count == 0 || db.includePatterns.Contains(".mat"));

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