Version: 5.5
public static void DrawPolyLine (params Vector3[] points);


Draw a line going through the list of all points.

Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize if you want the handle to always remain the same size on the screen.

PolyLine that connects all the objects in the Scene view.

The following example uses DrawPolyLine to draw a line between a number of GameObjects in the Scene view.

To use this example, save the following script in the Assets/Editor folder:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

[CustomEditor(typeof(DrawConnectedLine))] public class DrawConnectedLineEditor : Editor { // Draw lines to the connected game objects that a script has. // if the target object doesnt have any game objects attached // then it draws a line from the Last checked object to 0,0,0

void OnSceneGUI() { DrawConnectedLine t = target as DrawConnectedLine;

if (t == null || t.GameObjects == null) return;

Vector3[] positions = new Vector3[t.GameObjects.Length];

for (int i = 0; i < t.GameObjects.Length; i++) { if (t.GameObjects[i] != null) positions[i] = t.GameObjects[i].transform.position; else positions[i] =; }

Handles.DrawPolyLine(positions); } }

...and attach the following script to a GameObject in the Scene. Drag and drop GameObjects onto the GameObject's array inspector, corresponding to the objects where you would like to see the line drawn between:

using UnityEngine;

[ExecuteInEditMode] public class DrawConnectedLine : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject[] GameObjects; }