Version: 5.4
public static void RegisterHandler (short msgType, Networking.NetworkMessageDelegate handler);


msgType Message type number.
handler Function handler which will be invoked for when this message type is received.


Register a handler for a particular message type.

There are several system message types which you can add handlers for. You can also add your own message types.

class MyServer
	void Start()
	    Debug.Log ("Registering server callbacks");
	    NetworkServer.RegisterHandler(MsgType.Connect, OnConnected);

void OnConnected(NetworkMessage netMsg) { Debug.Log ("Client connected"); } }

The system message types are listed below:

class MsgType
	public const short ObjectDestroy = 1;
	public const short Rpc = 2;
	public const short ObjectSpawn = 3;
	public const short Owner = 4;
	public const short Command = 5;
	public const short LocalPlayerTransform = 6;
	public const short SyncEvent = 7;
	public const short UpdateVars = 8;
	public const short SyncList = 9;
	public const short ObjectSpawnScene = 10;
	public const short NetworkInfo = 11;
	public const short SpawnFinished = 12;
	public const short ObjectHide = 13;
	public const short CRC = 14;
	public const short LocalClientAuthority = 15;

Most of these messages are for internal use only. Users should not define message ids in this range.