Version: 2023.2
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class in UnityEditor.VersionControl


다음으로부터 상속:ScriptableObject

매뉴얼로 전환


The abstract base class for representing a version control system.

You can add support for a custom VCS by creating a new class derived from VersionControlObject and applying the VersionControlAttribute.

using UnityEditor.VersionControl;
using UnityEngine;

[VersionControl("Custom")] public class CustomVersionControlObject : VersionControlObject { public override void OnActivate() { Debug.Log("Custom VCS activated."); }

public override void OnDeactivate() { Debug.Log("Custom VCS deactivated."); } }

Using the example above, a new VCS option called Custom will show up in Version Control settings window. You should only perform VCS operations when a VersionControlObject is activated. OnActivate and OnDeactivate methods are called on your class to notify your code about the change.

Any persistent settings that must survive between Unity sessions (for example, the username or password) must be handled either by the underlying VCS, by using EditorUserSettings, or stored in a file. This is because the VersionControlObject is not serialized to disk and a new instance is created every time Unity starts up or when the VCS is activated.

The VersionControlObject is derived from ScriptableObject. This makes domain reloading handling simpler. You can add OnEnable method to restore the state if needed.

You can use AssetModificationProcessor and AssetPostprocessor.OnPostprocessAllAssets to get notifications from Unity when it wants to edit, add or remove assets.

Additional resources: VersionControlAttribute, VersionControlManager, EditorUserSettings, ScriptableObject, AssetModificationProcessor, AssetPostprocessor.


isConnectedTests whether the VersionControlObject is connected to an underlying version control system.

Public 함수

GetExtensionGets optional extension object.
OnActivateCalled when your version control system is activated.
OnDeactivateCalled when your version control system is deactivated.
RefreshCalled when the cached state should be discarded and the new state should be retrieved from the underlying VCS.

상속된 멤버


hideFlagsShould the object be hidden, saved with the Scene or modifiable by the user?
nameThe name of the object.

Public 함수

GetInstanceIDGets the instance ID of the object.
ToStringReturns the name of the object.

정적 함수

DestroyRemoves a GameObject, component or asset.
DestroyImmediateDestroys the object obj immediately. You are strongly recommended to use Destroy instead.
DontDestroyOnLoadDo not destroy the target Object when loading a new Scene.
FindAnyObjectByTypeRetrieves any active loaded object of Type type.
FindFirstObjectByTypeRetrieves the first active loaded object of Type type.
FindObjectsByTypeRetrieves a list of all loaded objects of Type type.
InstantiateClones the object original and returns the clone.
CreateInstanceCreates an instance of a scriptable object.


boolDoes the object exist?
operator !=Compares if two objects refer to a different object.
operator ==Compares two object references to see if they refer to the same object.


AwakeThis function is called when the ScriptableObject script is started.
OnDestroyThis function is called when the scriptable object will be destroyed.
OnDisableThis function is called when the scriptable object goes out of scope.
OnEnableThis function is called when the object is loaded.
OnValidateEditor-only function that Unity calls when the script is loaded or a value changes in the Inspector.
ResetReset to default values.

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