Version: 2023.2
언어: 한국어
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


class in UnityEditor.Experimental.GraphView


다음으로부터 상속:Experimental.GraphView.Node

인터페이스 구현:ICollectibleElement, IDropTarget, IEventHandler, IExperimentalFeatures, IResolvedStyle, ISelectable, ITransform, ITransitionAnimations, IVisualElementScheduler

매뉴얼로 전환


Use this class to customize StackNodes and to manage dragging GraphElements over StackNodes.


contentContainerThe content container of this StackNode.
dragEnteredIndicates if items from this stack are currently being dragged.
dropPreviewTemplateUse this property to customize the preview that appears when GraphElements are dragged over the StackNode.
hasMultipleSelectionSupportReturns true if the StackNode supports multiselection.
headerContainerUse this property to customize the header for this StackNode.


StackNodeStackNode constructor.

Public 함수

AddElementAdds the specified GraphElement to the StackNode.
CanAcceptDropIndicates whether this StackNode accepts the current drop event.
CollectElementsRetrieves the set of nodes contained in this stack and its edges. The retrieved graph elements match a specific condition.
DragEnterThis method is automatically called when a drag leave event occurs.
DragExitedThis method is automatically called when a drag exit event occurs.
DragLeaveThis method is automatically called when a drag leave event occurs.
DragPerformThis method is automatically called when a drop event occurs.
DragUpdatedThis method is automatically called when a drag updated event occurs.
GetInsertionIndexRetrieves the insertion index in the StackNode if an item is dropped at the specified world position.
InsertElementInserts the specified GraphElement at the specified index in this StackNode.
OnStartDraggingThis method is automatically called when an element of the stack is about to be dragged out of it.
RemoveElementRemoves the specified GraphElement from this StackNode.

보호되는 함수

AcceptsElementChecks whether the specified GraphElement can be added to this StackNode.
OnCustomStyleResolvedCalled when the custom style properties are resolved.
OnSeparatorContextualMenuEventThis method is automatically called when a contextual menu is about to appear on a StackNode separator.

상속된 멤버


capabilitiesThe GraphElement's capabilities.
elementTypeColorThe color used for the MiniMap view.
layerThe GraphElement's layer in the graph.
selectedTrue if the GraphElement is currently selected.
showInMiniMapWhether the element is shown in the minimap.
titleThe GraphElement's title.
expandedIs node expanded.
extensionContainerEmpty container used to display custom elements. After adding elements, call RefreshExpandedState in order to toggle this container visibility.
inputContainerInput container used for input ports.
mainContainerMain container that includes all other containers.
outputContainerOutputs container, used for output ports.
titleNode's title element.
titleButtonContainerTitle bar button container. Contains the top right buttons.
titleContainerTitle bar container.
topContainerEntire top area containing input and output containers.

Public 함수

GetGlobalCenterGet the GraphElement's center point.
GetPositionGet the GraphElement position.
HitTestSee if point is over the GraphElement.
IsAscendableChecks if the GraphElement is automatically brought to front when selected.
IsCopiableChecks whether the GraphElement is copiable.
IsDroppableThe GraphElement is drag&droppable.
IsGroupableChecks whether the GraphElement is groupable.
IsMovableThe GraphElement is movable.
IsRenamableThe GraphElement is renamable.
IsResizableThe GraphElement is resizable.
IsSelectableThe GraphElement is selectable.
IsSelectedThe GraphElement is currently selected in specific container.
IsSnappableChecks whether the GraphElement is snappable.
IsStackableChecks whether the GraphElement is stackable.
OnSelectedCalled when the GraphElement is selected.
OnUnselectedCalled when the GraphElement is unselected.
ResetLayerReset the GraphElement to its original layer.
SelectSelect the GraphElement.
SetPositionSet the GraphElement position.
UnselectDeselect the GraphElement.
BuildContextualMenuAdd menu items to the node contextual menu.
InstantiatePortCreate a new port specific to this node.
RefreshExpandedStateAfter adding custom elements to the extensionContainer, call this method in order for them to become visible.
RefreshPortsRefresh the layout of the ports.
SetPositionSet node position.

보호되는 함수

OnPortRemovedCalled when port is remove.
ToggleCollapseToggle node's collapse state.
UseDefaultStylingApplies the default styling of Node. This must be explicitly called by Node subclasses that use their own uxml files.

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