Version: 2023.1
언어: 한국어


class in UnityEditor

매뉴얼로 전환


This class contains the settings controlling the Physics Debug Visualization.

See Also: PhysicsDebugWindow.

정적 변수

articulationBodyColorColor for Articulation Bodies.
baseAlphaAlpha amount used for transparency blending.
centerOfMassUseScreenSizeWhether or not the center of mass visualization should be constant screen space size.
colorVarianceUsed to disinguish neighboring Colliders.
contactColorContact arrow color.
contactImpulseColor ContactPoint.impulse arrow color.
contactSeparationColorContact point separation color.
devOptionsShows extra options used to develop and debug the physics visualization.
dirtyCountDirty marker used for refreshing the GUI.
enableMouseSelectEnables the mouse-over highlighting and mouse selection modes.
forceOverdrawForcing the drawing of Colliders on top of any other geometry, regardless of depth.
inertiaTensorScaleThe scale by which the inertia tensor lines are multiplied.
kinematicColorColor for kinematic Rigidbodies.
maxNumberOfQueriesThe maximum number of queries that the PhysicsDebugWindow will visualize at one given time.
queryColorColor that the Physics Debugger uses for query visualization.
rigidbodyColorColor for Rigidbodies, primarily active ones.
showAllContactsWhether the PhysicsDebugWindow visualizes all contacts.
showCollisionGeometryShould the PhysicsDebugWindow display the collision geometry.
showContactImpulseWhether the PhysicsDebugWindow shows ContactPoint.impulse.
showContactsWhether the PhysicsDebugWindow shows contacts.
showContactSeparationWhether the PhysicsDebugWindow shows contact separation.
sleepingBodyColorColor for Rigidbodies that are controlled by the physics simulator, but are not currently being simulated.
staticColorColor for Colliders that do not have a Rigidbody component.
terrainTilesMaxMaximum number of mesh tiles available to draw all Terrain Colliders.
triggerColorColor for Colliders that are Triggers.
useContactFilteringWhether PhysicsDebugWindow takes the PhysicsVisualizationSettings filtering settings into account when visualizing contacts.
useSceneCamControls whether the SceneView or the GameView camera is used. Not shown in the UI.
useVariedContactColorsWhether varied colors are used for PhysicsDebugWindow contact visualization.
viewDistanceColliders within this distance will be displayed.

정적 함수

ClearMouseHighlightClears the highlighted Collider.
DeinitDebugDrawDeinitializes the physics debug visualization system and tracking of changes Colliders.
GetQueryFilterStateGets the query filtering state of PhysicsVisualizationSettings
GetShowArticulationBodiesShould Articulation Bodies be shown by the Physics Visualizer.
GetShowBoxCollidersShould BoxColliders be shown.
GetShowCapsuleCollidersShould CapsuleColliders be shown.
GetShowCollisionLayerShould the given layer be considered by the display filter.
GetShowCollisionLayerMaskShould the mask representing the layers be considered by the display filter.
GetShowKinematicBodiesShould the kinematic Rigidbodies be considered by the display filter.
GetShowMeshCollidersShould MeshColliders be shown.
GetShowPhysicsSceneMaskReturn a mask representing scenes that are enabled by display filter
GetShowRigidbodiesShould any Rigidbodies be considered by the display filter.
GetShowSleepingBodiesShould the sleeping Rigidbodies be considered by the display filter.
GetShowSphereCollidersShould SphereColliders be shown.
GetShowStaticCollidersShould the Colliders without a Rigidbody component be considered by the display filter.
GetShowTerrainCollidersShould TerrainColliders be shown.
GetShowTriggersShould the triggers be considered by the display filter.
GetShowUnitySceneMaskReturns a mask that represents Unity scenes that are enabled by the display filter.
HasMouseHighlightReturns true if there currently is any kind of physics object highlighted.
InitDebugDrawInitializes the physics debug visualization system. The system must be initialized for any physics objects to be visualized. It is normally initialized by the PhysicsDebugWindow.
ResetResets the visualization options to their default state.
SetQueryFilterStateSets the query filtering state of PhysicsVisualizationSettings
SetShowArticulationBodiesShould Articulation Bodies be shown by the Physics Visualizer.
SetShowBoxCollidersShould BoxColliders be shown.
SetShowCapsuleCollidersShould CapsuleColliders be shown.
SetShowCollisionLayerShould the given layer be considered by the display filter.
SetShowCollisionLayerMaskShould the mask representing the layers be considered by the display filter.
SetShowForAllFiltersEnables or disables all filtering items.
SetShowKinematicBodiesShould the kinematic Rigidbodies be considered by the display filter.
SetShowMeshCollidersShould MeshColliders be shown.
SetShowPhysicsSceneMaskShould the scene mask be considered by the display filter.
SetShowRigidbodiesShould any Rigidbodies be considered by the display filter.
SetShowSleepingBodiesShould sleeping Rigidbodies and Articulation Bodies be considered by the display filter.
SetShowSphereCollidersShould SphereColliders be shown.
SetShowStaticCollidersShould the Colliders without a Rigidbody component be considered by the display filter.
SetShowTerrainCollidersShould TerrainColliders be shown.
SetShowTriggersShould the triggers be considered by the display filter.
SetShowUnitySceneMaskSets the Unity scene mask that should be considered by the filter.
UpdateMouseHighlightUpdates the mouse-over highlight at the given mouse position in screen space.

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