Version: 2022.2
언어: 한국어
public static void SetInt (string key, int value);


Sets a single integer value for the preference identified by the given key. You can use PlayerPrefs.GetInt to retrieve this value.

The following example passes the KeyName and Value variables to a function called SetInt. The function uses the KeyName variable in PlayerPrefs.SetInt as an identifier, and Value as the contents to store. For example, you could use PlayerPrefs.SetInt to store the user’s currency, like this: /PlayerPrefs.SetInt(“CharacterMoney”, 123)/.

The GetInt function then uses the same KeyName variable to retrieve the value stored in the PlayerPrefs data.

using UnityEngine;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour { public void SetInt(string KeyName, int Value) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt(KeyName, Value); }

public int Getint(string KeyName) { return PlayerPrefs.GetInt(KeyName); } }