Version: 2022.1
언어: 한국어
public static Object[] LoadAll (string path);
public static Object[] LoadAll (string path, Type systemTypeInstance);


path Pathname of the target folder. When using the empty string (i.e., ""), the function will load the entire contents of the Resources folder.
systemTypeInstance Type filter for objects returned.


Loads all assets in a folder or file at path in a Resources folder.

If path refers to a folder, all assets in the folder will be returned. If path refers to a file, only that asset will be returned. The path is relative to any Resources folder inside the Assets folder of your project.

Note: All asset names and paths in Unity use forward slashes. Paths using backslashes will not work.

// Loads all assets in the "Resources/Textures" folder
// Then picks a random one from the list.
// Note: Random.Range in this case returns [low,high]
// range, i.e. the high value is not included in the range.
using UnityEngine;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { private Object[] textures; private GameObject go;

void Start() { textures = Resources.LoadAll("Textures", typeof(Texture2D));

foreach (var t in textures) { Debug.Log(; }

go = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); }

void OnGUI() { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 70, 150, 30), "Change texture")) { // change texture on cube Texture2D texture = (Texture2D)textures[Random.Range(0, textures.Length)]; go.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.mainTexture = texture; } } }

public static T[] LoadAll (string path);


path Pathname of the target folder. When using the empty string (i.e., ""), the function will load the entire contents of the Resources folder.


Loads all assets in a folder or file at path in a Resources folder.

If path refers to a folder, all assets in the folder will be returned. If path refers to a file, only that asset will be returned. Only objects of type T will be returned. The path is relative to any Resources folder inside the Assets folder of your project.

The script example below shows how LoadAll can be used with Linq.

// Loads all assets in the "Resources/Textures" folder
// using Linq.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Linq;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { void Start() { var textures = Resources.LoadAll("Textures", typeof(Texture2D)).Cast<Texture2D>().ToArray(); foreach (var t in textures) Debug.Log(; } }

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