Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


class in UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements.GraphView


다음으로부터 상속:Experimental.UIElements.GraphView.Scope

매뉴얼로 전환


Allows interactive insertion of elements in a named scope.


titleTitle of the group.


GroupGroup constructor.

Public 함수

AcceptsElementWhether an element can be added to this group.

보호되는 함수

OnElementsAddedCalled when elements are added to this group.
OnElementsRemovedCalled when elements are removed from this group.
OnGroupRenamedCalled when this group is renamed.

상속된 멤버

정적 변수

defaultFocusIndexThe default focus index for newly created elements.


canGrabFocusReturn true if the element can be focused.
focusControllerReturn the focus controller for this element.
focusIndexAn integer used to sort focusables in the focus ring. A negative value means that the element can not be focused.
capabilitiesGraph element's capabilities.
elementTypeColorColor used for the MiniMap view.
layerElement's layer in the graph.
selectedTrue if element is currently selected.
titleThe element's title.
autoUpdateGeometryEnables or disables the automatic resizing and positioning of the Scope.
containedElementsThe list of GraphElements contained by the Scope.
containedElementsRectThe rect containing the GraphElements encompassed by the Scope. The rect is expressed in local coordinates.
headerContainerReturns the header container for the Scope. Use this header container to customizer the header of the Scope.
childCount Number of child elements in this object's contentContainer
clippingOptionsShould this element clip painting to its boundaries.
contentContainer child elements are added to this element, usually this
dataWatchAccess to this element data watch interface.
enabledInHierarchyReturns true if the VisualElement is enabled in its own hierarchy.
enabledSelfReturns true if the VisualElement is enabled locally.
persistenceKeyUsed for view data persistence (ie. tree expanded states, scroll position, zoom level).
scheduleRetrieves this VisualElement's IVisualElementScheduler
shadow Access to this element physical hierarchy
styleReference to the style object of this element.
this[int] Access to this element physical hierarchy
tooltipText to display inside an information box after the user hovers the element for a small amount of time.
userDataThis property can be used to associate application-specific user data with this VisualElement.

Public 함수

HandleEventHandle an event, most often by executing the callbacks associated with the event.
HasBubbleUpHandlersReturn true if event handlers for the event propagation BubbleUp phase have been attached on this object.
HasTrickleDownHandlersReturns true if event handlers, for the event propagation TrickleDown phase, are attached to this object.
RegisterCallbackAdds an event handler to the instance. If the event handler has already been registered for the same phase (either TrickleDown or BubbleUp) then this method has no effect.
SendEventSends an event to the event handler.
UnregisterCallbackRemove callback from the instance.
BlurTell the element to release the focus.
FocusAttempt to give the focus to this element.
GetGlobalCenterGet the element's center point.
GetPositionGet element position.
HitTestSee if point is over element.
IsAscendableChecks if the Element is automatically brought to front when selected.
IsDroppableElement is drag&droppable.
IsMovableElement is movable.
IsResizableElement is resizable.
IsSelectableElement is selectable.
IsSelectedElement is currently selected in specific container.
OnSelectedCalled when element is selected.
OnUnselectedCalled when element is unselected.
ResetLayerReset the element to its original layer.
SelectSelect element.
SetPositionSet element position.
UnselectDeselect element.
AddElementAdds a GraphElement to the Scope.
AddElementsAdds GraphElements to the Scope.
ContainsElementDetermines if the Scope contains the specified GraphElement.
GetPositionReturns the geometry of the Scope.
HitTestDetermines whether the specified point is within the selectable area of the Scope.
OverlapsDetermines whether the specified rect overlaps the Scope.
RemoveElementRemoves an element from the Scope.
RemoveElementsRemoves elements from the Scope.
RemoveElementsWithoutNotificationRemoves elements from the Scope but do not send a notification.
SetPositionSets the geometry of the Scope.
UpdateGeometryFromContentUpdates the size and position of the Scope based on its contents.
AddAdd an element to this element's contentContainer
AddStyleSheetPathAdds this stylesheet file to this element list of applied styles
BringToFrontBrings this element to the end of its parent children list. The element will be visually in front of any overlapping sibling elements.
ChildrenReturns the elements from its contentContainer
ClearRemove all child elements from this element's contentContainer
ContainsReturns true if the element is a direct child of this VisualElement
ElementAtRetrieves the child element at position
EnableInClassListEnables or disables the class with the given name.
FindAncestorUserDataSearchs up the hierachy of this VisualElement and retrieves stored userData, if any is found.
FindCommonAncestorFinds the lowest commont ancestor between two VisualElements inside the VisualTree hierarchy
GetEnumeratorAllows to iterate into this elements children
GetFirstAncestorOfTypeWalks up the hierarchy, starting from this element's parent, and returns the first VisualElement of this type
GetFirstOfTypeWalks up the hierarchy, starting from this element, and returns the first VisualElement of this type
GetFullHierarchicalPersistenceKeyCombine this VisualElement's VisualElement.persistenceKey with those of its parents to create a more unique key for use with VisualElement.GetOrCreatePersistentData.
GetOrCreatePersistentDataTakes a reference to an existing persisted object and a key and returns the object either filled with the persisted state or as-is.
HasStyleSheetPathChecks if this stylesheet file is in this element list of applied styles
IndexOfRetrieves the child index of the specified VisualElement.
InsertInsert an element into this element's contentContainer
MarkDirtyRepaintTriggers a repaint of the VisualElement on the next frame.
OnPersistentDataReadyCalled when the persistent data is accessible and/or when the data or persistence key have changed (VisualElement is properly parented).
OverwriteFromPersistedDataOverwrite object from the persistent data store.
PlaceBehindPlaces this element right before the sibling element in their parent children list. If the element and the sibling position overlap, the element will be visually behind of its sibling.
PlaceInFrontPlaces this element right after the sibling element in their parent children list. If the element and the sibling position overlap, the element will be visually in front of its sibling.
RemoveRemoves this child from the hierarchy
RemoveAtRemove the child element located at this position from this element's contentContainer
RemoveFromHierarchyRemoves this element from its parent hierarchy
RemoveStyleSheetPathRemoves this stylesheet file from this element list of applied styles
SavePersistentDataWrite persistence data to file.
SendEventSends an event to the event handler.
SendToBackSends this element to the beginning of its parent children list. The element will be visually behind any overlapping sibling elements.
SetEnabledChanges whether the current VisualElement is enabled or not. When disabled, a VisualElement does not receive most events.
SortReorders child elements from this VisualElement contentContainer.
ToggleInClassListToggles between adding and removing the given class name from the class list.

보호되는 함수

ScheduleUpdateGeometryFromContentSchedules the update of the size and position of the Scope based on its contents.
SetScopePositionOnlyChange the position of the scope but does not move its elements.
OnStyleResolvedCallback when the styles of an object have changed.

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