public static void DrawTextureAlpha (Rect position, Texture image, ScaleMode scaleMode= ScaleMode.StretchToFill, float imageAspect= 0);


positionRectangle on the screen to draw the texture within.
image Texture to display.
scaleModeHow to scale the image when the aspect ratio of it doesn't fit the aspect ratio to be drawn within.
imageAspectAspect ratio to use for the source image. If 0 (the default), the aspect ratio from the image is used.


Draws the alpha channel of a texture within a rectangle.

See Also: GUI.color, GUI.contentColor

Alpha texture in an Editor Window.

// Load a texture, display the texture, display its alpha channel and
// show a preview of the inverted texture

class EditorGUITextures extends EditorWindow {

var texture : Texture2D; var invertedTexture : Texture2D; var showInverted = false;

@MenuItem("Examples/Texture Previewer") static function Init() { var window = GetWindow(EditorGUITextures); window.position = Rect(0,0,400, 200); window.Show(); }

function OnGUI() { texture = EditorGUI.ObjectField(Rect(3,3,200,20), "Add a Texture:", texture, Texture); if(GUI.Button(Rect(208,3, position.width - 210, 20),"Process Inverted")) { if(invertedTexture) DestroyImmediate(invertedTexture); //Copy the new texture invertedTexture = new Texture2D(texture.width, texture.height, texture.format, (texture.mipmapCount != 0)); for (var m : int = 0; m < texture.mipmapCount; m++) invertedTexture.SetPixels(texture.GetPixels(m), m); InvertColors(); showInverted = true; } if(texture) { EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(Rect(25,45,100,15),0,GUIContent("Preview:")); EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(Rect(25,60,100,100),texture); EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(Rect(150,45,100,15),0,GUIContent("Alpha:")); EditorGUI.DrawTextureAlpha(Rect(150,60,100,100),texture); EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(Rect(275,45,100,15),0,GUIContent("Inverted:")); if(showInverted) EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(Rect(275,60,100,100),invertedTexture); if(GUI.Button(Rect(3,position.height - 25, position.width-6,20),"Clear texture")) { texture = EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture; showInverted = false; } } else { EditorGUI.PrefixLabel( Rect(3,position.height - 25,position.width - 6, 20), 0, GUIContent("No texture found")); } }

function InvertColors() { for (var m : int = 0; m < invertedTexture.mipmapCount; m++) { var c : Color[] = invertedTexture.GetPixels(m); for (var i : int = 0 ;i < c.Length; i++) { c[i].r = 1 - c[i].r; c[i].g = 1 - c[i].g; c[i].b = 1 - c[i].b; } invertedTexture.SetPixels(c, m); } invertedTexture.Apply(); } function OnInspectorUpdate() { Repaint(); } }