Version: 2017.2
public static void Label (Vector3 position, string text);
public static void Label (Vector3 position, Texture image);
public static void Label (Vector3 position, GUIContent content);
public static void Label (Vector3 position, string text, GUIStyle style);
public static void Label (Vector3 position, GUIContent content, GUIStyle style);


position Position in 3D space as seen from the current handle camera.
text Text to display on the label.
image Texture to display on the label.
content Text, image and tooltip for this label.
style The style to use. If left out, the label style from the current GUISkin is used.

Note: Use HandleUtility.GetHandleSize where you might want to have constant screen-sized handles.


Make a text label positioned in 3D space.

Labels have no user interaction, do not catch mouse clicks and are always rendered in normal style.

Label in the Scene View.

    // Create a 180 degrees wire arc with a ScaleValueHandle attached to the disc
    // that lets you modify the "shieldArea" var in the WireArcExample.js, also
    // lets you visualize some info of the transform

@CustomEditor (DummyLabelScript) class LabelHandle extends Editor { function OnSceneGUI () { Handles.color =; Handles.Label(target.transform.position + Vector3.up*2, target.transform.position.ToString() + "\nShieldArea: " + target.shieldArea.ToString()); Handles.BeginGUI(Rect(Screen.width - 100, Screen.height - 80, 90,50));

Handles.DrawWireArc(target.transform.position, target.transform.up, -target.transform.right, 180, target.shieldArea); target.shieldArea = Handles.ScaleValueHandle(target.shieldArea, target.transform.position + target.transform.forward*target.shieldArea, target.transform.rotation, 1, Handles.ConeCap, 1); } }

And the script attached to this Handle:

    // DummyLavelScript.js

var shieldArea : float = 5;