Version: 2017.1


매뉴얼로 전환
public bool GetPlatformTextureSettings (string materialName, string platform, out int maxTextureWidth, out int maxTextureHeight, out int textureFormat, out int loadBehavior);


materialName The name of the ProceduralMaterial.
platform The name of the platform (can be empty).
maxTextureWidth The maximum texture width for this ProceduralMaterial (output value).
maxTextureHeight The maximum texture height for this ProceduralMaterial (output value).
textureFormat The texture format (0=Compressed, 1=RAW) for this ProceduralMaterial (output value).
loadBehavior The load behavior for this ProceduralMaterial (output value). Values match the ProceduralMaterial::ProceduralLoadingBehavior enum.


Get the import settings for a given ProceduralMaterial for a given platform (width and height, RAW/Compressed format, loading behavior).

Returns a default set of settings (512x512, compressed outputs, "Generate at load" behavior) if no settings are found for the input materialName or for the input platform.