position | 表示位置 |
label | Password Field の前に表示するラベル |
password | 編集するパスワード |
style | オプションの GUIStyle |
string ユーザーが入力したパスワード
This works just like GUI.PasswordField, but correctly responds to select all, etc. in the editor,
and it can have an optional label in front.
Password Field in an Editor Window.
// Editor Script that creates a password field and lets you visualize what have you // typed in a label.
class EditorGUIPasswordField extends EditorWindow {
var text : String = "Some text here";
@MenuItem("Examples/Editor Password field usage") static function Init() { var window = GetWindow(EditorGUIPasswordField); window.Show(); }
function OnGUI() { text = EditorGUI.PasswordField( Rect(3,3,position.width - 6, 20), "Type Something:", text); EditorGUI.LabelField( Rect(3,25,position.width - 5, 20), "Written Text:", text);
} }