Version: 5.6
Method group is Obsolete


Obsolete public static bool BuildAssetBundle (Object mainAsset, Object[] assets, string pathName);
Obsolete public static bool BuildAssetBundle (Object mainAsset, Object[] assets, string pathName, out uint crc, BuildAssetBundleOptions assetBundleOptions);
Obsolete public static bool BuildAssetBundle (Object mainAsset, Object[] assets, string pathName, BuildAssetBundleOptions assetBundleOptions);
Obsolete public static bool BuildAssetBundle (Object mainAsset, Object[] assets, string pathName, out uint crc);
Obsolete public static bool BuildAssetBundle (Object mainAsset, Object[] assets, string pathName, BuildAssetBundleOptions assetBundleOptions, BuildTarget targetPlatform);
Obsolete public static bool BuildAssetBundle (Object mainAsset, Object[] assets, string pathName, out uint crc, BuildAssetBundleOptions assetBundleOptions, BuildTarget targetPlatform);


mainAsset AssetBundle.mainAsset を使用して簡単に取得したいオブジェクトを指定することができます。
assets バンドルに書き込むアセットの配列
pathName 圧縮したアセットバンドルを書き込むファイル名 (filename)
assetBundleOptions 自動的に依存関係を含めたり、ただ参照されたオブジェクトのみだけでなく常に関係するすべてのアセットを含める設定ができます。
targetPlatform 作成されたバンドルが使用されるプラットフォーム
crc オプションの crc 出力パラメーターは、生成されたアセットバンドルの CRC チェックサムを取得するためにを使用されます。チェックサムは、WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload を使ってアセットバンドルをダウンロードするときにコンテンツを検証するために使用されます。



Creates a compressed unity3d file that contains a collection of assets. AssetBundles can contain any asset found in the project folder. This lets you stream resource data of any type, fully setup prefabs, textures, meshes, animations, any type of asset shown in the project window.
All paths are relative to the project folder. Like: "Assets / MyTextures / hello.png".

Note that asset bundles built for standalone targets cannot be loaded by applications built for mobile platforms and vice versa. Furthermore, bundles are not compatible between iOS and Android platforms.

関数の戻り値は boolean 型であり、ビルドが成功した場合は true、そうでなければ false です。

// C# Example
// Builds an asset bundle from the selected objects in the project view.
// Once compiled go to "Menu" -> "Assets" and select one of the choices
// to build the Asset Bundle

using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor;

public class ExportAssetBundles { [MenuItem("Assets/Build AssetBundle From Selection - Track dependencies")] static void ExportResource() { // Bring up save panel string path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Save Resource", "", "New Resource", "unity3d"); if (path.Length != 0) { // Build the resource file from the active selection. Object[] selection = Selection.GetFiltered(typeof(Object), SelectionMode.DeepAssets); BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle(Selection.activeObject, selection, path, 0); Selection.objects = selection; } }

[MenuItem("Assets/Build AssetBundle From Selection - No dependency tracking")] static void ExportResourceNoTrack() { // Bring up save panel string path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Save Resource", "", "New Resource", "unity3d"); if (path.Length != 0) { // Build the resource file from the active selection. BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle(Selection.activeObject, Selection.objects, path); } } }

関連項目: AssetBundle クラス、WWW.assetBundle.