Version: 5.5


public RenderTargetIdentifier (Rendering.BuiltinRenderTextureType type);
public RenderTargetIdentifier (string name);
public RenderTargetIdentifier (int nameID);
public RenderTargetIdentifier (Texture tex);


type ビルトインテンポラリーレンダリングテクスチャの種類
name テンポラリーレンダリングテクスチャ名
nameID テンポラリーレンダリングテクスチャ名 (整数として。 Shader.PropertyToID を参照してください。)
tex RenderTexture or Texture object to use.


レンダーターゲットの Identifier を作成します。

Textures can be identified in a number of ways, for example a RenderTexture object, or a Texture object, or one of built-in render textures (BuiltinRenderTextureType), or a temporary render texture with a name (that was created using CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRT).

RenderTargetIdentifier can be implicitly created from a RenderTexture reference, or a Texture reference, or a BuiltinRenderTextureType, or a name.

A RenderTargetIdentifier created from Texture reference is only valid when passed to CommandBuffer.SetGlobalTexture

See Also: CommandBuffer.SetRenderTarget, CommandBuffer.SetGlobalTexture.