Version: 5.5
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


public T CastTo ();


T 指定された型にキャストした Playable を返します。キャストに失敗したら、InvalidCastException 例外をスローします。


CastTo メソッドを使用して、互換性のある Playable 型の間で転換を行うことができます。

Some Playables are implemented as internal C++ objects but are exposed as C# structs. This is to allow the possibility of creating Playable graphs without allocating GC memory in your C# scripts. One down side of using structs as opposed to classes, is that struct in C# do not support inheritance. The CastTo method allows you to convert a C# Playable into one of it's "derived C++ class".