Version: 2022.1
言語: 日本語


class in UnityEngine.Rendering





A ScriptableObject to associate with a RenderPipeline and store project-wide settings for that Pipeline.

A single RenderPipelineGlobalSettings instance can be registered to the GraphicsSettings via GraphicsSettings.RegisterRenderPipelineSettings. We recommend to use this ScriptableObject to save RenderPipeline settings you would find in the GraphicsSettings.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;

public class ExampleRenderPipelineAsset : RenderPipelineAsset { protected override RenderPipeline CreatePipeline() { return new ExampleRenderPipeline(); } }

public class ExampleRenderPipeline : RenderPipeline { public ExampleRenderPipeline() { var mySettings = ExampleRPGlobalSettings.Create(); ExampleRPGlobalSettings.RegisterToGraphicsSettings(mySettings); }

protected override void Render(ScriptableRenderContext renderContext, Camera[] cameras) { // Do something }

public virtual RenderPipelineGlobalSettings globalSettings { get { return ExampleRPGlobalSettings.instance; } }

protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { ExampleRPGlobalSettings.UnregisterToGraphicsSettings(); } }

public class ExampleRPGlobalSettings : RenderPipelineGlobalSettings { private static ExampleRPGlobalSettings cachedInstance = null; public static ExampleRPGlobalSettings instance { get { if (cachedInstance == null) cachedInstance = GraphicsSettings.GetSettingsForRenderPipeline<ExampleRenderPipeline>() as ExampleRPGlobalSettings; return cachedInstance; } }

public static void RegisterToGraphicsSettings(ExampleRPGlobalSettings newSettings) { GraphicsSettings.RegisterRenderPipelineSettings<ExampleRenderPipeline>(newSettings as RenderPipelineGlobalSettings); cachedInstance = null; }

public static void UnregisterToGraphicsSettings() { GraphicsSettings.UnregisterRenderPipelineSettings<ExampleRenderPipeline>(); cachedInstance = null; }

static public ExampleRPGlobalSettings Create() { ExampleRPGlobalSettings assetCreated = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<ExampleRPGlobalSettings>(); return assetCreated; } }



hideFlagsShould the object be hidden, saved with the Scene or modifiable by the user?

Public 関数

GetInstanceIDGets the instance ID of the object.
ToStringReturns the name of the object.

Static 関数

DestroyRemoves a GameObject, component or asset.
DestroyImmediateDestroys the object obj immediately. You are strongly recommended to use Destroy instead.
DontDestroyOnLoadDo not destroy the target Object when loading a new Scene.
FindObjectOfTypeタイプ type から最初に見つけたアクティブのオブジェクトを返します
FindObjectsOfTypeGets a list of all loaded objects of Type type.
Instantiateoriginal のオブジェクトをクローンします
CreateInstanceScriptableObject のインスタンスを作成します。


operator !=二つのオブジェクトが異なるオブジェクトを参照しているか比較します
operator ==2つのオブジェクト参照が同じオブジェクトを参照しているか比較します。


Awake ScriptableObject スクリプトを開始するとき、この関数は呼び出されます。
OnDestroyScriptableObject が破棄されるとき、この関数は呼び出されます。
OnDisableScriptableObject クラスのオブジェクトがスコープを外れるとき、この関数は呼び出されます。
OnValidateEditor-only function that Unity calls when the script is loaded or a value changes in the Inspector.

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