Version: 2022.1
言語: 日本語


struct in UnityEngine.Rendering



Draw commands generated by the culling request.


drawCommandCountThe number of elements in the BatchCullingOutputDrawCommands.drawCommands array.
drawCommandPickingInstanceIDsThe instance IDs that are associated with the draw commands.
drawCommandsThe array that contains draw commands to render as the result of the OnPerformCulling call.
drawRangeCountThe number of elements in the BatchCullingOutputDrawCommands.drawRanges array.
drawRangesContains filtering settings for draw commands, which tell Unity in which conditions it should render a given draw command.
instanceSortingPositionFloatCountIf BatchDrawCommandFlags.HasSortingPosition is set for one or more draw commands, this contains float3 world-space positions that Unity uses for depth sorting.
instanceSortingPositionsIf BatchDrawCommandFlags.HasSortingPosition is set for one or more draw commands, the instanceSortingPositions array contains explicit float3 world space positions that Unity uses for depth sorting.The culling callback must allocate the memory for the instanceSortingPositions using the UnsafeUtility.Malloc method and the Allocator.TempJob parameter. The memory is released by Unity when the rendering is complete.If the length of the array is 0, set its value to null.
visibleInstanceCountThe number of elements in the BatchCullingOutputDrawCommands.visibleInstances array.
visibleInstancesThe indices of visible instances to render.

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