Version: 2021.3
言語: 日本語
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


class in UnityEditor.Experimental.GraphView





Allows interactive manipulation of elements (drag, hide) over a virtual placemat.


CollapsedWhether the placemat is collapsed (true) or expanded (false).
CollapsedElementsThe list of elements hidden by the placemat when collapsed. The list is empty when the placemat is expanded.
CollapsedSizeThe size of the placemat when collapsed.
ColorThe color of the placemat.
ExpandedPositionThe rect representing the expanded placemat, regardless of the current collapsed state.
titleThe title of the placemat.
UncollapsedSizeThe size of the placemat when expanded.
ZOrderThe Z order of the placemat in the PlacematContainer.



Public 関数

SetPositionSets the placemat position
StartEditTitleSets the focus to the title of placemat and sets the title for editing.

Protected 関数

BuildContextualMenuAdds menu items to the placemat contextual menu.
SetCollapsedElementsSets the list of collapsed elements. This method is not meant to be called.

Static 関数

ComputeElementBoundsCalculates the bounds of a list of graph elements.



capabilitiesThe GraphElement's capabilities.
elementTypeColorThe color used for the MiniMap view.
layerThe GraphElement's layer in the graph.
selectedTrue if the GraphElement is currently selected.
showInMiniMapWhether the element is shown in the minimap.
titleThe GraphElement's title.

Public 関数

GetGlobalCenterGet the GraphElement's center point.
GetPositionGet the GraphElement position.
HitTestSee if point is over the GraphElement.
IsAscendableChecks if the GraphElement is automatically brought to front when selected.
IsCopiableChecks whether the GraphElement is copiable.
IsDroppableThe GraphElement is drag&droppable.
IsGroupableChecks whether the GraphElement is groupable.
IsMovableThe GraphElement is movable.
IsRenamableThe GraphElement is renamable.
IsResizableThe GraphElement is resizable.
IsSelectableThe GraphElement is selectable.
IsSelectedThe GraphElement is currently selected in specific container.
IsSnappableChecks whether the GraphElement is snappable.
IsStackableChecks whether the GraphElement is stackable.
OnSelectedCalled when the GraphElement is selected.
OnUnselectedCalled when the GraphElement is unselected.
ResetLayerReset the GraphElement to its original layer.
SelectSelect the GraphElement.
UnselectDeselect the GraphElement.

Protected 関数

OnCustomStyleResolvedCalled when the custom style properties are resolved.

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