Version: 2021.3
言語: 日本語
public static bool Foldout (Rect position, bool foldout, string content, GUIStyle style= EditorStyles.foldout);
public static bool Foldout (Rect position, bool foldout, string content, bool toggleOnLabelClick, GUIStyle style= EditorStyles.foldout);
public static bool Foldout (Rect position, bool foldout, GUIContent content, GUIStyle style= EditorStyles.foldout);
public static bool Foldout (Rect position, bool foldout, GUIContent content, bool toggleOnLabelClick, GUIStyle style= EditorStyles.foldout);


position 表示位置
foldout 表示されている折り畳みの状態
content 表示するラベル
style オプションの GUIStyle
toggleOnLabelClick ラベルはクリックできるコントロールの部分になる必要がありますか。


bool ユーザーによって選択された折り畳みの状態。 True の場合、サブオブジェクトを表示する必要があります。


Makes a label with a foldout arrow to the left of it.


Foldout in an Editor Window.

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

// Create a foldable menu that hides/shows the selected transform position. // if no Transform is selected, the Foldout item will be folded until a transform is selected. public class EditorGUIFoldout : EditorWindow { public bool showPosition = true; public string status = "Select a GameObject"; [MenuItem("Examples/Foldout Usage")] static void Init() { UnityEditor.EditorWindow window = GetWindow(typeof(EditorGUIFoldout)); window.position = new Rect(0, 0, 150, 60); window.Show(); }

void OnGUI() { showPosition = EditorGUI.Foldout(new Rect(3, 3, position.width - 6, 15), showPosition, status); if (showPosition) if (Selection.activeTransform) { Selection.activeTransform.position = EditorGUI.Vector3Field(new Rect(3, 25, position.width - 6, 40), "Position", Selection.activeTransform.position); status =; }

if (!Selection.activeTransform) { status = "Select a GameObject"; showPosition = false; } }

void OnInspectorUpdate() { Repaint(); } }

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