Version: 2021.2
言語: 日本語
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


struct in UnityEditor.Experimental



An ArtifactKey is used for specifying an artifact to lookup or produce.

One example of producing an artifact is to run and importer on a specific asset. The importer is specified by type (e.g. typeof(MyImporter) and the asset by its guid. From these two you can create an ArtifactKey and use it to ask the assetdatabase to produce the artifact. You can also create an ArtifactKey from only a guid. In that case the AssetDatabase will automatically select the importer from the list of valid importers.


guidThe guid specifying the asset in question.
importerTypeThe managed type of the importer to use for producing the artifact.
isValidReturns true is the hash value is valid. (Read Only)


ArtifactKeyConstruct an ArtifactKey.