Version: 2017.1


class in UnityEditor.iOS.Xcode



Represents what a capability modifies in a PBXProject.

Static 変数

AppGroupsDefinition of the App Groups capability requirements.
ApplePayDefinition of the Apple Pay capability requirements.
AssociatedDomainsDefinition of the Associated Domains capability requirements.
BackgroundModesDefinition of the Background Modes capability requirements.
DataProtectionDefinition of the Data Protection capability requirements.
GameCenterDefinition of the GameCenter capability requirements.
HealthKitDefinition of the HealthKit capability requirements.
HomeKitDefinition of the HomeKit capability requirements.
iCloudDefinition of the iCloud capability requirements.
InAppPurchaseDefinition of the In-App Purchase capability requirements.
InterAppAudioDefinition of the Inter-App Audio capability requirements.
KeychainSharingDefinition of the Keychain Sharing capability requirements.
MapsDefinition of the Maps capability requirements.
PersonalVPNDefinition of the Personal VPN capability requirements.
PushNotificationsDefinition of the Push Notifications capability requirements.
SiriDefinition of the Siri capability requirements.
WalletDefinition of the Wallet capability requirements.
WirelessAccessoryConfigurationDefinition of the Wireless Accessory Configuration capability requirements.


frameworkSpecifies a framework required by the capability.
idSpecifies the capability identifier.
optionalFrameworkSpecifies an optional framework a capability may use.
requiresEntitlementsSpecifies if a capability requires entitlements.

Static 関数

StringToPBXCapabilityTypeConvenience method that converts a reverse DNS name(i.e. to a PBXCapabilityType.