他の PlayableDirector を制御する Playable 。
この Playable はタイムラインシーケンスの他の PlayableDirector コンポーネントを制御するために使用されます。
director | 制御を行う PlayableDirector。 |
OnBehaviourPause | This function is called when the Playable play state is changed to PlayState.Paused. |
OnBehaviourPlay | This function is called when the Playable play state is changed to PlayState.Playing. |
OnGraphStart | This function is called when the PlayableGraph that owns this PlayableBehaviour starts. |
OnGraphStop | This function is called when the PlayableGraph that owns this PlayableBehaviour stops. |
OnPlayableCreate | This function is called when the Playable that owns the PlayableBehaviour is created. |
OnPlayableDestroy | This function is called when the Playable that owns the PlayableBehaviour is destroyed. |
PrepareFrame | This function is called during the PrepareFrame phase of the PlayableGraph. |
ProcessFrame | This function is called during the ProcessFrame phase of the PlayableGraph. |