Version: 5.3 (switch to 5.4b)
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  • JS

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public static function OverlapSphereNonAlloc(position: Vector3, radius: float, results: Collider[], layerMask: int = AllLayers, queryTriggerInteraction: QueryTriggerInteraction = QueryTriggerInteraction.UseGlobal): int;
public static int OverlapSphereNonAlloc(Vector3 position, float radius, Collider[] results, int layerMask = AllLayers, QueryTriggerInteraction queryTriggerInteraction = QueryTriggerInteraction.UseGlobal);


position Center of the sphere.
radius Radius of the sphere.
results The buffer to store the results into.
layerMask A Layer mask that is used to selectively ignore colliders when casting a ray.
queryTriggerInteraction Specifies whether this query should hit Triggers.

Valor de retorno

int The amount of colliders stored into the results buffer.


Computes and stores colliders touching or inside the sphere into the provided buffer.

Like Physics.OverlapSphere, but generates no garbage.