Version: 5.3 (switch to 5.4b)
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public function TexturePropertyWithHDRColor(label: GUIContent, textureProp: MaterialProperty, colorProperty: MaterialProperty, hdrConfig: ColorPickerHDRConfig, showAlpha: bool): Rect;
public Rect TexturePropertyWithHDRColor(GUIContent label, MaterialProperty textureProp, MaterialProperty colorProperty, ColorPickerHDRConfig hdrConfig, bool showAlpha);


label The label used for the texture property.
textureProp The texture property.
colorProperty The color property (will be treated as a HDR color).
hdrConfig The HDR color configuration used by the HDR Color Picker.
showAlpha If false then the alpha channel information will be hidden in the GUI.

Valor de retorno

Rect Return the Rect used.


Method for showing a texture property control with a HDR color field and its color brightness float field.

The texture is shown using the mini thumbnail. Usefull for compact representation of a texture and a HDR color. See Also: TexturePropertySingleLine, ShaderGUI.