Version: 5.3 (switch to 5.4b)
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public function GetComponentsInParent(type: Type, includeInactive: bool = false): Component[];
public Component[] GetComponentsInParent(Type type, bool includeInactive = false);


type @param type El tipo de Component para recuperar.
includeInactive @param includeInactive ¿Los Components inactivos deben ser incluidos en el set encontrado?


Devuelve todos los componentes del tipo type en el GameObject o en alguno de sus padres.

La búsqueda de componentes es llevada a cabo recursivamente sobre los objetos padres, luego sobre los padres de sus padres, y así sucesivamente.

using UnityEngine;

public class GetComponentsInParentExample : MonoBehaviour { void Start( ) { Component[] hingeJoints;

hingeJoints = GetComponentsInParent( typeof(HingeJoint) );

if( hingeJoints != null ) { foreach( HingeJoint joint in hingeJoints ) joint.useSpring = false; } else { // Try again, looking for inactive GameObjects Component[] hingesInactive = GetComponentsInParent( typeof(HingeJoint), true );

foreach( HingeJoint joint in hingesInactive ) joint.useSpring = false; }



public function GetComponentsInParent(): T[];
public T[] GetComponentsInParent();
public function GetComponentsInParent(includeInactive: bool): T[];
public T[] GetComponentsInParent(bool includeInactive);


includeInactive @param includeInactive ¿Los Components inactivos deben ser incluidos en el set encontrado?


Versión genérica. Para más detalles, mira la página de Funciones genéricas.

using UnityEngine;

public class GetComponentsInParentExample : MonoBehaviour { void Start( ) { HingeJoint[] hingeJoints;

hingeJoints = GetComponentsInParent<HingeJoint>( );

if( hingeJoints != null ) { foreach( HingeJoint joint in hingeJoints ) joint.useSpring = false; } else { // Try again, looking for inactive GameObjects HingeJoint[] hingesInactive = GetComponentsInParent<HingeJoint>( true );

foreach( HingeJoint joint in hingesInactive ) joint.useSpring = false; } } }

public function GetComponentsInParent(includeInactive: bool, results: List<T>): void;
public void GetComponentsInParent(bool includeInactive, List<T> results);


includeInactive @param includeInactive ¿Los Components inactivos deben ser incluidos en el set encontrado?
results List holding the found Components.


Find Components in GameObject or parents, and return them in List results.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class GetComponentsInParentExample : MonoBehaviour { void Start( ) { List<HingeJoint> hingeJoints = new List<HingeJoint>();

GetComponentsInParent<HingeJoint>( false, hingeJoints );

if( hingeJoints != null ) { foreach( HingeJoint joint in hingeJoints ) joint.useSpring = false; } else { // Try again, looking for inactive GameObjects List<HingeJoint> hingesInactive = new List<HingeJoint>();

GetComponentsInParent<HingeJoint>( true, hingesInactive );

foreach( HingeJoint joint in hingesInactive ) joint.useSpring = false; } } }