Version: 5.3 (switch to 5.4b)
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  • JS

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public function GetComponentInChildren(type: Type): Component;
public Component GetComponentInChildren(Type type);
public function GetComponentInChildren(type: Type, includeInactive: bool): Component;
public Component GetComponentInChildren(Type type, bool includeInactive);


type @param type El tipo de Component para recuperar.

Valor de retorno

Component A component of the matching type, if found.


Devuelve el componente del tipo type en el GameObject o en alguno de sus hijos usando búsqueda de primero en profundidad.

A component is returned only if it is found on an active GameObject.

using UnityEngine;

public class GetComponentInChildrenExample : MonoBehaviour { // Disable the spring on the first HingeJoint component found on any child object

void Start( ) { HingeJoint hinge = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren( typeof(HingeJoint) ) as HingeJoint;

if( hinge != null ) hinge.useSpring = false; else { // Try again, looking for inactive GameObjects HingeJoint hingeInactive = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren( typeof(HingeJoint), true ) as HingeJoint;

if( hingeInactive != null ) hingeInactive.useSpring = false; } } }

public function GetComponentInChildren(includeInactive: bool = false): T;
public T GetComponentInChildren(bool includeInactive = false);
public function GetComponentInChildren(includeInactive: bool = false): T;
public T GetComponentInChildren(bool includeInactive = false);


Valor de retorno

T A component of the matching type, if found.


Versión genérica. Para más detalles, mira la página de Funciones genéricas.

using UnityEngine;

public class GetComponentInChildrenExample : MonoBehaviour { // Disable the spring on the first HingeJoint component found on any child object

void Start( ) { HingeJoint hinge = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<HingeJoint>( );

if( hinge != null ) hinge.useSpring = false; else { // Try again, looking for inactive GameObjects HingeJoint hingeInactive = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<HingeJoint>( true ) as HingeJoint;

if( hingeInactive != null ) hingeInactive.useSpring = false; } } }