class in UnityEditor.AssetImporters
Hereda de:AssetImporters.AssetImporterEditor
Cambiar al ManualDefault editor for source assets handled by Scripted Importers.
See ScriptedImporter and AssetImporterEditor.
extraDataSerializedObject | A SerializedObject that represents the extraDataTarget or the extraDataTargets of the AssetImporterEditor. |
extraDataTarget | The extra data object associated with the |
extraDataTargets | An array of objects associated with each Editor.targets. |
extraDataType | Override this property to return a type that inherits from ScriptableObject. This makes the AssetImporterEditor aware of serialized data outside of the Importer. |
needsApplyRevert | Whether the ApplyRevertGUI method is required to draw in the Inspector. |
showImportedObject | Should imported object be shown as a separate editor? |
useAssetDrawPreview | Determines if the asset preview is handled by the AssetEditor or the Importer DrawPreview |
serializedObject | Un SerializedObject representando el objeto u objetos siendo inspeccionados. |
target | El objeto siendo inspeccionado. |
targets | Un arreglo de todos los objetos siendo inspeccionados. |
hideFlags | Should the object be hidden, saved with the Scene or modifiable by the user? |
name | El nombre del objeto. |
HasModified | Determine if the import settings have been modified. |
OnDisable | This function is called when the editor object goes out of scope. |
OnEnable | Esta función se llama cuando el objeto es cargado. |
OnInspectorGUI | Override this method to create your own Inpsector GUI for a ScriptedImporter. |
CreateInspectorGUI | Implement this method to make a custom UIElements inspector. |
DrawDefaultInspector | Draws the built-in inspector. |
DrawHeader | Llame esta función para dibujar el encabezado del editor. |
DrawPreview | El primer punto de entrada para Preview Drawing. |
GetInfoString | Implemente este método para mostrar información asset encima de la pre-visualización del asset. |
GetPreviewTitle | Anule este método si desea cambiar la etiqueta del área de vista previa. |
HasPreviewGUI | Anule este método en las sub-classes si usted implementa OnPreviewGUI. |
OnInspectorGUI | Implemente esta función para crear un inspector personalizado. |
OnInteractivePreviewGUI | Implemente para crear su propia vista previa personalizada interactiva. Las vistas previas interactivas personalizadas se utilizan en el área de vista previa del inspector y el selector de objetos. |
OnPreviewGUI | Implement to create your own custom preview for the preview area of the inspector, the headers of the primary editor, and the object selector. |
OnPreviewSettings | Anule este método si desea mostrar controles personalizados en el encabezado de la vista previa. |
RenderStaticPreview | Override this method if you want to render a static preview. |
Repaint | Redraw any inspectors that shows this editor. |
RequiresConstantRepaint | Checks if this editor requires constant repaints in its current state. |
UseDefaultMargins | Anule este método en subclases para devolver false si no desea márgenes predeterminados. |
GetInstanceID | Devuelve el id de la instancia del objeto. |
ToString | Returns the name of the object. |
Apply | Saves any changes from the Editor's control into the asset's import settings object. |
ApplyAndImport | Saves the changes from the editor UI to the settings object and imports the asset. |
ApplyButton | Implements the 'Apply' button of the inspector. |
ApplyRevertGUI | Add's the 'Apply' and 'Revert' buttons to the editor. |
Awake | This function is called when the Editor script is started. |
CanApply | Determines if the modifications to import settings can be applied. |
InitializeExtraDataInstance | This method is called during the initialization process of the Editor, after Awake and before OnEnable. |
OnApplyRevertGUI | Process the 'Apply' and 'Revert' buttons. |
ResetValues | Reset the import settings to their last saved values. |
RevertButton | Implements the 'Revert' button of the inspector. |
ShouldHideOpenButton | Returns the visibility setting of the "open" button in the Inspector. |
CreateCachedEditor | On return previousEditor is an editor for targetObject or targetObjects. The function either returns if the editor is already tracking the objects, or destroys the previous editor and creates a new one. |
CreateCachedEditorWithContext | Creates a cached editor using a context object. |
CreateEditor | Crea un editor personalizado para targetObject o targetObjects. |
CreateEditorWithContext | Make a custom editor for targetObject or targetObjects with a context object. |
DrawFoldoutInspector | Draws the inspector GUI with a foldout header for target. |
Destroy | Removes a GameObject, component or asset. |
DestroyImmediate | Destroys the object obj immediately. You are strongly recommended to use Destroy instead. |
DontDestroyOnLoad | Do not destroy the target Object when loading a new Scene. |
FindObjectOfType | Devuelve el primer objeto activo cargado de tipo type. |
FindObjectsOfType | Gets a list of all loaded objects of Type type. |
Instantiate | Clona el objeto original y devuelve el clon. |
CreateInstance | Crea una instancia de un objeto scriptable. |
bool | ¿Existe el objeto? |
operator != | Compare si dos objetos se refieren a un objeto diferente. |
operator == | Compara dos referencias de objeto para ver si se refieren al mismo objeto. |
HasFrameBounds | Validates whether custom bounds can be calculated for this editor. |
OnGetFrameBounds | Gets custom bounds for the target of this editor. |
OnSceneGUI | Enables the Editor to handle an event in the Scene view. |
Awake | Esta función se llama cuando el script ScriptableObject empieza. |
OnDestroy | Esta función se llama cuando el objeto scriptable se destruirá. |
OnDisable | Esta función se llama cuando el objeto scriptable se va fuera del alcance (scope). |
OnEnable | Esta función se llama cuando el objeto es cargado. |
OnValidate | This function is called when the script is loaded or a value is changed in the Inspector (Called in the editor only). |
Reset | Se re-inicia a los valores predeterminados. |
finishedDefaultHeaderGUI | An event raised while drawing the header of the Inspector window, after the default header items have been drawn. |