Player Settings is where you define various parameters for the final game that you will build in Unity. Some of these values are used in the Resolution Dialog that launches when you open a standalone game.
accelerometerFrequency | Frecuencia de actualización del acelerómetro. |
actionOnDotNetUnhandledException | Sets the crash behavior on .NET unhandled exception. |
advancedLicense | Is the advanced version being used? |
allowedAutorotateToLandscapeLeft | Is auto-rotation to landscape left supported? |
allowedAutorotateToLandscapeRight | Is auto-rotation to landscape right supported? |
allowedAutorotateToPortrait | Is auto-rotation to portrait supported? |
allowedAutorotateToPortraitUpsideDown | Is auto-rotation to portrait upside-down supported? |
allowFullscreenSwitch | If enabled, allows the user to switch between full screen and windowed mode using OS specific keyboard short cuts. |
allowUnsafeCode | Allow 'unsafe' C# code code to be compiled for predefined assemblies. |
aotOptions | Additional AOT compilation options. Shared by AOT platforms. |
applicationIdentifier | The application identifier for the currently selected build target. |
bakeCollisionMeshes | Pre bake collision meshes on player build. |
bundleVersion | Application bundle version shared between iOS & Android platforms. |
captureSingleScreen | Defines if fullscreen games should darken secondary displays. |
colorSpace | Set the rendering color space for the current project. |
companyName | The name of your company. |
cursorHotspot | Default cursor's click position in pixels from the top left corner of the cursor image. |
defaultCursor | The default cursor for your application. |
defaultInterfaceOrientation | Default screen orientation for mobiles. |
defaultScreenHeight | Default vertical dimension of stand-alone player window. |
defaultScreenWidth | Default horizontal dimension of stand-alone player window. |
defaultWebScreenHeight | Default vertical dimension of web player window. |
defaultWebScreenWidth | Default horizontal dimension of web player window. |
displayResolutionDialog | Defines the behaviour of the Resolution Dialog on product launch. |
enable360StereoCapture | Enable 360 Stereo Capture support on the current build target. |
enableCrashReportAPI | Enables CrashReport API. |
enableInternalProfiler | Enables internal profiler. |
enableMetalAPIValidation | Enables Metal API validation in the Editor. |
forceSingleInstance | Limita los standalone players a una sola instancia concurrente corriendo. |
fullScreenMode | Platform agnostic setting to define fullscreen behavior. Not all platforms support all modes. |
gpuSkinning | Enable GPU skinning on capable platforms. |
graphicsJobMode | Selects the graphics job mode to use on platforms that support both Native and Legacy graphics jobs. |
graphicsJobs | Enable graphics jobs (multi threaded rendering). |
keyaliasPass | Password for the key used for signing an Android application. |
keystorePass | Password used for interacting with the Android Keystore. |
logObjCUncaughtExceptions | Are ObjC uncaught exceptions logged? |
macRetinaSupport | Enable Retina support for macOS. |
MTRendering | Is multi-threaded rendering enabled? |
muteOtherAudioSources | Stops or allows audio from other applications to play in the background while your Unity application is running. |
preserveFramebufferAlpha | When enabled, preserves the alpha value in the framebuffer to support rendering over native UI on Android. |
productName | The name of your product. |
protectGraphicsMemory | Protect graphics memory. |
resizableWindow | Use resizable window in standalone player builds. |
resolutionDialogBanner | The image to display in the Resolution Dialog window. |
runInBackground | If enabled, your game will continue to run after lost focus. |
scriptingRuntimeVersion | The scripting runtime version setting. Change this to set the version the Editor uses and restart the Editor to apply the change. |
statusBarHidden | Returns if status bar should be hidden. Supported on iOS only; on Android, the status bar is always hidden. |
stereoRenderingPath | Active stereo rendering path |
stripEngineCode | Remove unused Engine code from your build (IL2CPP-only). |
strippingLevel | Deprecated. Use PlayerSettings.PlayerSettings and PlayerSettings.PlayerSettings instead. |
stripUnusedMeshComponents | Should unused Mesh components be excluded from game build? |
use32BitDisplayBuffer | 32-bit Display Buffer is used. |
useAnimatedAutorotation | Let the OS autorotate the screen as the device orientation changes. |
useHDRDisplay | Switch display to HDR mode (if available). |
useMacAppStoreValidation | Enable receipt validation for the Mac App Store. |
usePlayerLog | Write a log file with debugging information. |
virtualRealitySplashScreen | Virtual Reality specific splash screen. |
virtualRealitySupported | Enable Virtual Reality support on the current build target. |
visibleInBackground | En Windows, muestra la aplicación en el fondo si el modo de Fullscreen Windowed es utilizado. |
vulkanEnableSetSRGBWrite | Enables Graphics.SetSRGBWrite() on Vulkan renderer. |
vulkanUseSWCommandBuffers | Use software command buffers for building rendering commands on Vulkan. |
xboxEnableAvatar | Xbox 360 Avatars. |
GetAdditionalIl2CppArgs | IL2CPP build arguments. |
GetApiCompatibilityLevel | Gets .NET API compatibility level for specified BuildTargetGroup. |
GetApplicationIdentifier | Get the application identifier for the specified platform. |
GetArchitecture | Gets the BuildTargetPlatformGroup architecture. |
GetAvailableVirtualRealitySDKs | Returns a list of the available Virtual Reality SDKs that are supported on a given BuildTargetGroup. |
GetDefaultScriptingBackend | Returns the default ScriptingImplementation used for the given platform group. |
GetGraphicsAPIs | Get graphics APIs to be used on a build platform. |
GetIconsForTargetGroup | Returns the list of assigned icons for the specified platform. |
GetIconSizesForTargetGroup | Returns a list of icon sizes for the specified platform. |
GetIl2CppCompilerConfiguration | Gets compiler configuration used when compiling generated C++ code for a particular BuildTargetGroup. |
GetIncrementalIl2CppBuild | Does IL2CPP platform use incremental build? |
GetMobileMTRendering | Check if multithreaded rendering option for mobile platform is enabled. |
GetPlatformIcons | Returns the list of available icon slots for the specified platform and kind. |
GetPlatformVuforiaEnabled | Gets the current value of the Vuforia AR checkbox in the Player Settings for the specified buildTargetGroup. |
GetPreloadedAssets | Returns the assets that will be loaded at start up in the player and be kept alive until the player terminates. |
GetScriptingBackend | Gets the scripting framework for a BuildTargetPlatformGroup. |
GetScriptingDefineSymbolsForGroup | Get user-specified symbols for script compilation for the given build target group. |
GetStackTraceLogType | Get stack trace logging options. |
GetSupportedIconKindsForPlatform | Retrieve all icon kinds supported by the specified platform. |
GetUseDefaultGraphicsAPIs | Is a build platform using automatic graphics API choice? |
GetVirtualRealitySDKs | Get the List of Virtual Reality SDKs for a given BuildTargetGroup. |
GetVirtualRealitySupported | Returns whether or not Virtual Reality Support is enabled for a given BuildTargetGroup. |
GetWsaHolographicRemotingEnabled | Returns true if Holographic Remoting is enabled. |
HasAspectRatio | Returns whether or not the specified aspect ratio is enabled. |
SetAdditionalIl2CppArgs | IL2CPP build arguments. |
SetApiCompatibilityLevel | Sets .NET API compatibility level for specified BuildTargetGroup. |
SetApplicationIdentifier | Set the application identifier for the specified platform. |
SetArchitecture | Sets the BuildTargetPlatformGroup architecture. |
SetAspectRatio | Activa la relación de aspecto especificada. |
SetGraphicsAPIs | Sets the graphics APIs used on a build platform. |
SetIconsForTargetGroup | Assign a list of icons for the specified platform. |
SetIl2CppCompilerConfiguration | Sets compiler configuration used when compiling generated C++ code for a particular BuildTargetGroup. |
SetIncrementalIl2CppBuild | Sets incremental build flag. |
SetMobileMTRendering | Enable or disable multithreaded rendering option for mobile platform. |
SetPlatformIcons | Assign a list of icons for the specified platform and icon kind. |
SetPlatformVuforiaEnabled | Sets the value of the Vuforia AR checkbox in the Player Settings for the specified buildTargetGroup. |
SetPreloadedAssets | Assigns the assets that will be loaded at start up in the player and be kept alive until the player terminates. |
SetScriptingBackend | Sets the scripting framework for a BuildTargetPlatformGroup. |
SetScriptingDefineSymbolsForGroup | Set user-specified symbols for script compilation for the given build target group. |
SetStackTraceLogType | Set stack trace logging options. Note: calling this function will implicitly call Application.SetStackTraceLogType. |
SetUseDefaultGraphicsAPIs | Should a build platform use automatic graphics API choice. |
SetVirtualRealitySDKs | Set the List of Virtual Reality SDKs for a given BuildTargetGroup. |
SetVirtualRealitySupported | Sets whether or not Virtual Reality Support is enabled for a given BuildTargetGroup. |
SetWsaHolographicRemotingEnabled | Enables Holographic Remoting. |
hideFlags | Should the object be hidden, saved with the Scene or modifiable by the user? |
name | El nombre del objeto. |
GetInstanceID | Devuelve el id de la instancia del objeto. |
ToString | Returns the name of the GameObject. |
Destroy | Elimina un gameobject, componente o asset. |
DestroyImmediate | Destroys the object obj immediately. You are strongly recommended to use Destroy instead. |
DontDestroyOnLoad | Do not destroy the target Object when loading a new Scene. |
FindObjectOfType | Devuelve el primer objeto activo cargado de tipo type. |
FindObjectsOfType | Devuelve una lista de todos los objetos activos cargados de tipo type. |
Instantiate | Clona el objeto original y devuelve el clon. |
bool | ¿Existe el objeto? |
operator != | Compare si dos objetos se refieren a un objeto diferente. |
operator == | Compara dos referencias de objeto para ver si se refieren al mismo objeto. |