Version: 2022.3


RGB HDR 格式,具有每通道 9 位尾数和 5 位共享指数。

Three partial-precision floating-point numbers encoded into a single 32-bit value all sharing the same 5-bit exponent (variant of s10e5, which is sign bit, 10-bit mantissa, and 5-bit biased(15) exponent). There is no sign bit, and there is a shared 5-bit biased(15) exponent and a 9-bit mantissa for each channel. RGB9e5Float is implemented for Direct3D 11, Direct3D 12, Xbox One, Playstation 4, OpenGL 3.0+, metal and Vulkan. The format is used for Precomputed Enlighten Realtime Global Illumination textures on supported platforms.

另请参阅:Texture2D.formattexture assets

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