对已设置 HideFlags.HideInHierarchy 的对象执行的操作不会发送此消息,但更改 Object.hideFlags 则会发送此消息。
OnHierarchyChange() 已添加到 Unity Editor。安装完成后,
对象即成为场景和 Inspector 中的监视对象。OnHierarchyChange()
或者在 Inspector 中更改游戏对象的位置。
显示 OnHierarchyChange 使用方式的动画。
以下示例脚本创建了一个 EditorWindow,可在层级视图发生更改时监控对象数量并进行更新。将该数据复制到名为 HierarchyMonitorWindow.cs 的文件中,然后将文件放在名为 Editor 的文件夹中。
using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UIElements; class HierarchyMonitorWindow : EditorWindow { [MenuItem("Examples/Hierarchy Monitor")] static void CreateWindow() { EditorWindow.GetWindow<HierarchyMonitorWindow>(); } [SerializeField] int m_NumberVisible; void OnEnable() { titleContent.text = "Hierarchy Monitor"; // Manually call the event handler when the window is first loaded so its contents are up-to-date. OnHierarchyChange(); } void OnHierarchyChange() { var all = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(GameObject)); m_NumberVisible = CountVisibleObjects(all); var label = rootVisualElement.Q<Label>(); if (label != null) label.text = $"There are currently {m_NumberVisible} GameObjects visible in the hierarchy."; } int CountVisibleObjects(Object[] objects) { int count = 0; foreach (var obj in objects) { var gameObject = obj as GameObject; if (gameObject != null && (gameObject.hideFlags & HideFlags.HideInHierarchy) != HideFlags.HideInHierarchy) { count++; } } return count; } void CreateGUI() { var label = new Label($"There are currently {m_NumberVisible} GameObjects visible in the hierarchy."); rootVisualElement.Add(label); } }
using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine.UIElements; public class OnHierarchyChangeExample : EditorWindow { static int count = 0; [MenuItem("Examples/OnHierarchyChange Example")] static void Init() { OnHierarchyChangeExample window = (OnHierarchyChangeExample)GetWindow(typeof(OnHierarchyChangeExample)); window.Show(); } void OnHierarchyChange() { count += 1; } void CreateGUI() { var label = new Label(); rootVisualElement.Add(label); label.schedule.Execute(() => { label.text = $"OnHierarchyChange: {count}"; }).Every(10); } }