Version: 2021.3


public int buildIndex ;


返回 Build Settings 中场景的索引。

Scene.buildIndex 的值范围是零到 Build SettingsScene 的数量减一。这是因为索引从零开始,所以第一个 ScenebuildIndex 中位于位置零。例如,Build Settings 中五个 Scene 的索引是从零到四。

Unity 将忽略 Scene 名称中的任何数字。例如,如果您将名为 scene15Scene 添加到 Build Settings 中五个 Scene 的列表中,则 Unity 将为该场景提供的 buildIndex 值为 5。

未添加到 Scenes in Build 窗口的 Scene 返回的 buildIndex 值比列表中的最大值大 1。例如,如果没有将 Scene 添加到已经包含 6 个场景的 Scenes in Build 窗口,则 Scene.buildIndex 将返回 6 作为其索引。

如果通过 AssetBundle 加载 Scene,则 Scene.buildIndex 返回 -1。

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

// Show the buildIndex for the current script. // // The Build Settings window shows 5 added Scenes. These have buildIndex values from // 0 to 4. Each Scene has a version of this script applied. // // In the Project, create 5 Scenes called scene1, scene2, scene3, scene4 and scene5. // In each Scene add an empty GameObject and attach this script to it. // // Each Scene randomly switches to a different Scene when the button is clicked.

public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour { Scene scene;

void Start() { scene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene(); Debug.Log("Active Scene name is: " + + "\nActive Scene index: " + scene.buildIndex); }

void OnGUI() { = 20;

if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 80, 180, 60), "Change from scene " + scene.buildIndex)) { int nextSceneIndex = Random.Range(0, 4); SceneManager.LoadScene(nextSceneIndex, LoadSceneMode.Single); } } }

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