如果边界位于该平面数组内,则返回 true。
如果包围盒位于这些平面内,或者与其中任何平面相交,则将返回 true。
The TestPlanesAABB function uses the Plane array to test whether a bounding box is in the frustum or not.
You can use this function with CalculateFrustrumPlanes to test whether a camera's view contains an object
regardless of whether it is rendered or not.
The test is conservative and can give false positive results. A bounding box can intersect the planes outside of the frustum because the planes are infinite and extend beyond the frustum volume. A typical false positive result is produced by a big bounding box near the frustum edge or corner.
using UnityEngine;
public class Example : MonoBehaviour { // Detects manually if obj is being seen by the main camera
GameObject obj; Collider objCollider;
Camera cam; Plane[] planes;
void Start() { cam = Camera.main; planes = GeometryUtility.CalculateFrustumPlanes(cam); objCollider = GetComponent<Collider>(); }
void Update() { if (GeometryUtility.TestPlanesAABB(planes, objCollider.bounds)) { Debug.Log(obj.name + " has been detected!"); } else { Debug.Log("Nothing has been detected"); } } }