Version: 2020.1


public static bool DisplayCancelableProgressBar (string title, string info, float progress);


显示或更新含有 Cancel 按钮的进度条。

窗口标题将设置为 /title/,信息将设置为 /info/。 进度应设置为 0.0 和 1.0 之间的一个值,0 表示一点儿也没有完成,1.0 表示完成 100%。

This is useful if you perform a long blocking operation in an Editor script, and want to notify the user about the progress. Note that this method is intended to be used for "modal" operations, i.e. a long operation that would make the editor non-responsive. For long operations that happen in the background, use Progress class instead.

Return argument of this function tells if user had pressed the cancel button. It is then your responsibility to stop the task you were doing. After showing the progress bar, call ClearProgressBar to clear it.

See Also: DisplayCancelableProgressBar, ClearProgressBar methods, Progress class.


using System.Threading;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

// Shows a cancellable progress bar for the given number of seconds. public class EditorUtilityDisplayCancelableProgressBar : EditorWindow { public float secs = 5f; [MenuItem("Examples/Progress Bar Usage")] static void Init() { var window = GetWindow(typeof(EditorUtilityDisplayCancelableProgressBar)); window.Show(); }

void OnGUI() { secs = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Time to wait:", secs, 1.0f, 20.0f); if (GUILayout.Button("Display bar")) { var step = 0.1f; for (float t = 0; t < secs; t += step) { if (EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar("Cancelable", "Doing some work...", t / secs)) break; // Normally some actual computation would be here; // for this example just sleep. Thread.Sleep((int)(step * 1000.0f)); } EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); } } }

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