center | 圆盘的中心。 |
normal | 圆盘的法线。 |
radius | 圆盘的半径。 注意:如果您希望拥有恒定屏幕大小的手柄,请使用 HandleUtility.GetHandleSize。 |
在 3D 空间中绘制一个实心平面圆盘。
// Create a semi transparent white disc with a ScaleValueHandle attached to the disc // that lets you modify the "areaOfEffect" var in the WireDiscExample.js
@CustomEditor (SolidDiscExample) class DrawSolidDisc extends Editor { function OnSceneGUI () { Handles.color = Color(1,0,0,0.1); Handles.DrawSolidDisc(target.transform.position, Vector3.up, target.areaOfEffect); Handles.color =; target.areaOfEffect = Handles.ScaleValueHandle(target.areaOfEffect, target.transform.position + Vector3(target.areaOfEffect,0,0), Quaternion.identity, 2, Handles.CylinderCap, 2); } }
var areaOfEffect : float = 5;