public float clusterResolution ;


控制 Enlighten 存储以及可转移输入光源的分辨率。

通常,此分辨率可以略低于实时光照贴图的分辨率,而不会显著降低最终质量,但这取决于您希望使用的光照环境类型。小而明亮的光源需要较高的 clusterResolution,这样 Enlighten 才能准确捕获这些光源。

Cluster resolution is multiplied by the realtime lightmap resolution. A high value means a higher cluster resolution. A value of 1 matches each texel in the realtime lightmap with one input cluster.

Using a very small cluster resolution results in light being smeared across the output texels. Larger values do not significantly increase quality (as they have to be averaged for the final output texel), but can cause unnecessary increases in time and memory footprint.