Version: 2017.2


当用户松开鼠标按钮时,将调用 OnMouseUp。

注意,即使鼠标不在按下鼠标时所在的 GUIElementCollider 上,也会调用 OnMouseUp。 有关类似于按钮的行为,请参阅 OnMouseUpAsButton

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { void OnMouseUp() { Debug.Log("Drag ended!"); } }

在属于 Ignore Raycast 层的对象上,不调用该函数。

This function is called on Colliders marked as Trigger if and only if Physics.queriesHitTriggers is true.

OnMouseUp can be a co-routine, simply use the yield statement in the function. This event is sent to all scripts attached to the Collider or GUIElement.