Enum UnityXRRenderTextureFlags
Flags that can be set on a UnityXRRenderTextureDesc before creation to modify behavior.
Namespace: UnityEngine .XR.OpenXR .API
Assembly: Unity.XR.OpenXR.dll
public enum UnityXRRenderTextureFlags
Name | Description |
kUnityXRRenderTextureFlagsFoveationOffset | Texture is a "GFR texture", or more generally one which uses foveation offset |
kUnityXRRenderTextureFlagsHDR | Texture is used for storing an HDR output surface |
kUnityXRRenderTextureFlagsLockedWidthHeight | Specifies that the resources backing this texture can't be resized. No control over width / height of texture. Unity might render to a separate texture of a more convenient size, then blit into this one. For Example, HoloLens backbuffer size can't be changed. |
kUnityXRRenderTextureFlagsMotionVectorTexture | Texture is used for storing motion-vector information. |
kUnityXRRenderTextureFlagsMultisampleAutoResolve | This texture can be an unresolved MSAA texture. Accepting unresolved textures lowers the bandwidth needed by tile-based architectures. |
kUnityXRRenderTextureFlagsOptimizeBufferDiscards | Opt-in to always discarding depth and resolving MSAA color to improve performance on tile-based architectures at the expense of rarely-used effects which require depth resolve or MSAA color store, such as camera stacking. This only affects Vulkan. Note that this may break user content - use with care and consider giving the developer a way to turn it off. |
kUnityXRRenderTextureFlagsSRGB | Use sRGB texture formats if possible. |
kUnityXRRenderTextureFlagsUVDirectionTopToBottom | By default, Unity expects texture coordinates in OpenGL mapping with (0,0) in lower left hand corner. This flag specifies that (0,0) is in the upper left hand corner for this texture. Unity will flip the texture at the appropriate time. |
kUnityXRRenderTextureFlagsViewportAsRenderArea | Renderpass for this texture uses the Viewport Rect to define the Render Area |
kUnityXRRenderTextureFlagsWriteOnly | Texture can only be written to and can't be read from. Unity needs to create intermediate textures to do post-processing work. |