Class XRHandSubsystem
A subsystem for detecting and tracking hands and their corresponding joint pose data.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEngine.XR.Hands
public class XRHandSubsystem : SubsystemWithProvider<XRHandSubsystem, XRHandSubsystemDescriptor, XRHandSubsystemProvider>, ISubsystem
The XRHandSystem
class is the main entry point for accessing hand tracking data
provided by an XR device. A provider implementation that reads tracking data from the
user's device and provides updates to this subsystem must also be available. The XR
Hands package includes a provider implementation for OpenXR.
Get an instance for this XRHandSubsystem
from the active XR
loader, as described in Get the XRHandSubsystem instance.
For lowest latency, read the tracking data available from the leftHand
and rightHand properties in a delegate function assigned to the
updatedHands callback. This callback is invoked twice per frame, once near
the MonoBehaviour.Update
event and once near the UnityEngine.Application.onBeforeRender
event. The BeforeRender update provides the lowest latency between
hand motion and rendering, but occurs too late to affect physics. In addition, trying to
perform too much work during the BeforeRender
callback can negatively impact framerate.
For best results, update game logic affected by hand tracking in a
Dynamic update and perform a final update of hand visuals in a
BeforeRender update.
Refer to Hand tracking data for more information.
Constructs a subsystem. Do not invoke directly.
public XRHandSubsystem()
Do not call this constructor if you are an application developer consuming hand tracking data.
Instead, get an instance for this XRHandTrackingSubsystem
from the active XR
loader, as described in Get the XRHandSubsystem instance.
If you are implementing an XR hand data provider, call Create
on the XRHandSubsystemDescriptor or call
CreateSubsystem<TDescriptor, TSubsystem>(List<TDescriptor>, String)
instead of invoking this constructor.
Obsolete. Use updatedHands instead.
[Obsolete("Use updatedHands instead.")]
public Action<XRHandSubsystem.UpdateSuccessFlags, XRHandSubsystem.UpdateType> handsUpdated
Field Value
Type | Description |
Action<XRHandSubsystem.UpdateSuccessFlags, XRHandSubsystem.UpdateType> |
This is called after the subsystem retrieves joint data from the provider, and before and IXRHandProcessors' ProcessJoints(XRHandSubsystem, XRHandSubsystem.UpdateSuccessFlags, XRHandSubsystem.UpdateType) are called.
public Action<XRHandSubsystem, XRHandSubsystem.UpdateSuccessFlags, XRHandSubsystem.UpdateType> preprocessJoints
Field Value
Type | Description |
Action<XRHandSubsystem, XRHandSubsystem.UpdateSuccessFlags, XRHandSubsystem.UpdateType> |
A callback invoked when the subsystem begins tracking a hand's root pose and joints.
public Action<XRHand> trackingAcquired
Field Value
Type | Description |
Action<XRHand> |
This is called before updatedHands.
The delegate assigned to this property must take one parameter of type XRHand, which is assigned a reference to the hand whose tracking was acquired.
A callback invoked when the subsystem stops tracking a hand's root pose and joints.
public Action<XRHand> trackingLost
Field Value
Type | Description |
Action<XRHand> |
This is called before updatedHands.
The delegate assigned to this property must take one parameter of type XRHand, which is assigned a reference to the hand whose tracking was lost.
A callback invoked for each hand update.
public Action<XRHandSubsystem, XRHandSubsystem.UpdateSuccessFlags, XRHandSubsystem.UpdateType> updatedHands
Field Value
Type | Description |
Action<XRHandSubsystem, XRHandSubsystem.UpdateSuccessFlags, XRHandSubsystem.UpdateType> |
This callback is invoked twice per frame, once near
the MonoBehaviour.Update
event and once near the UnityEngine.Application.onBeforeRender
event. The BeforeRender update provides the lowest latency between
hand motion and rendering, but occurs too late to affect physics. In addition, trying to
perform too much work during the BeforeRender
callback can negatively impact framerate.
For best results, update game logic affected by hand tracking in a
Dynamic update and update hand visuals in a
BeforeRender update.
The delegate assigned to this property must take three parameters, which have the following types and assigned values when the callback is invoked:
- XRHandSubsystem: contains a reference to this subsystem.
- XRHandSubsystem.UpdateSuccessFlags: the flags indicating which data could be updated.
- XRHandSubsystem.UpdateType: the update timing.
Indicates which joints in the XRHandJointID list are supported by the current hand data provider.
public NativeArray<bool> jointsInLayout { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
NativeArray<Boolean> |
Hand data providers might not support tracking every joint in the XRHandJointID list. This array contains an element for each possible joint. A value of true indicates the the current provider supports tracking the associated joint.
To get the correct array index for a joint, call ToIndex(XRHandJointID) on the XRHandJointID in question.
Refer to Get supported joints array for additional information.
This array will already be valid as soon as you have a reference to
a subsystem (in other words, it's filled out before the subsystem is
returned by a call to XRHandSubsystemDescriptor.Create
Gets the left XRHand that is being tracked by this subsystem.
public XRHand leftHand { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
XRHand |
Check the updateSuccessFlags property to determine what data associated with this hand was successfully updated in the last update, if any. The updateSuccessFlags value is also passed to the callback function assigned to updatedHands.
Refer to Hand data model for a description of the available hand tracking data.
Gets the right XRHand that is being tracked by this subsystem.
public XRHand rightHand { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
XRHand |
Check the updateSuccessFlags property to determine what data associated with this hand was successfully updated in the last update, if any. The updateSuccessFlags value is also passed to the callback function assigned to updatedHands.
Refer to Hand data model for a description of the available hand tracking data.
Describes what data on either hand was updated during the most recent hand update.
public XRHandSubsystem.UpdateSuccessFlags updateSuccessFlags { get; protected set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
XRHandSubsystem.UpdateSuccessFlags | The flags for the most recent update. Applies to the leftHand and rightHand properties. |
This property updated every time the hand data is updated, which only occurs while this XRHandSubsystem is running.
The updateSuccessFlags value is also passed to the callback function assigned to updatedHands.
Called by Unity before the subsystem is returned from a call to XRHandSubsystemDescriptor.Create
protected override void OnCreate()
Called by Unity before the subsystem is fully destroyed during a call to XRHandSubsystem.Destroy
protected override void OnDestroy()
Registers a processor for hand joint data.
public void RegisterProcessor<TProcessor>(TProcessor processor)
where TProcessor : class, IXRHandProcessor
Type | Name | Description |
TProcessor | processor | The processor to register for this XRHandSubsystem. |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
TProcessor | The type of the processor to register. |
Request an update from the hand data provider. Application developers consuming hand tracking data should not call this function.
public virtual XRHandSubsystem.UpdateSuccessFlags TryUpdateHands(XRHandSubsystem.UpdateType updateType)
Type | Name | Description |
XRHandSubsystem.UpdateType | updateType | Informs the provider which kind of timing the update is being requested under. |
Type | Description |
XRHandSubsystem.UpdateSuccessFlags | Returns XRHandSubsystem.UpdateSuccessFlags to describe what data was updated successfully. |
This function must be called by the subsystem implementation to request an update from the hand data provider.
When an update is complete, the updated data is available from the leftHand and rightHand properties. The updatedHands callback is invoked.
The update is performed immediately. If you request an update timing that occurs in the
future, for example, requesting BeforeRender from a
function, then the provider predicts what the hand data
will be at the requested time.
If overriding this method in a derived type, it is expected that you
call base.TryUpdateHands(updateType)
and return what it
Unregisters a processor for hand joint data.
public void UnregisterProcessor<TProcessor>(TProcessor processor)
where TProcessor : class, IXRHandProcessor
Type | Name | Description |
TProcessor | processor | The processor to unregister from this XRHandSubsystem. |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
TProcessor | The type of the processor to register. |