Namespace Unity.XR.CoreUtils.Editor.BuildingBlocks
Attribute used to register a class as a Building Block Section or a Building Block.
Using this attribute directly on a Building Block will register the class in the manager as an unsectioned
Building Block.
Unsectioned building blocks which will display blocks outside sections in the interface. This is not recommended since
it makes it prone to confusion with other packages.
The target class must derive from either IBuilding
This class contains a set of utility methods when working with Building Blocks.
This Building Block can be used in a Building Block Section to instantiate a prefab. The Building Block Section is in charge of setting the prefab to instantiate using that Building Block as well as setting a unique and recognizable name and icon for this Building Block.
A Building Block defines a reusable block developers will be using often in their applications.
To accelerate development and improve the user experience, these Building Blocks are regrouped in a common overlay
in the Scene View allowing the user to easily access and drop these elements in the current scene.
Implement this interface to define a Building Block. In order to add this block to the UI, this Building Block
should either be returned by an Get
A Building Block Section defines a group of Building Block from the same area. The building Blocks of that
section are grouped together in the UI to improve discoverability and ease the user experience.
A section must also use the Building