Struct XRCameraFrame
Parameters of the Unity Camera
that might be necessary or useful to the provider.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEngine.XR.ARSubsystems
Assembly: solution.dll
public struct XRCameraFrame : IEquatable<XRCameraFrame>
Name | Description |
ambientSphericalHarmonics | The ambient spherical harmonic coefficients that represent lighting in the real-world. |
averageBrightness | The estimated brightness of the scene. |
averageColorTemperature | The estimated color temperature of the scene. |
averageIntensityInLumens | The estimated intensity, in lumens, of the scene. |
cameraGrain | A texture that simulates the camera's noise. |
colorCorrection | The estimated color correction value of the scene. |
displayMatrix | The 4x4 display matrix for the camera frame. |
exposureDuration | The camera exposure duration, in seconds with sub-millisecond precision, of the scene. |
exposureOffset | The camera exposure offset of the scene for lighting scaling. |
hasAmbientSphericalHarmonics |
hasAverageBrightness |
hasAverageColorTemperature |
hasAverageIntensityInLumens |
hasCameraGrain |
hasColorCorrection |
hasDisplayMatrix |
hasExposureDuration |
hasExposureOffset |
hasMainLightColor |
hasMainLightDirection |
hasMainLightIntensityLumens |
hasNoiseIntensity |
hasProjectionMatrix |
hasTimestamp |
mainLightColor | The estimated color of the most influential real-world light in the scene. |
mainLightDirection | The estimated direction of the most influential real-world light in the scene. |
mainLightIntensityLumens | The estimated intensity in lumens of the most influential real-world light in the scene. |
nativePtr | A native pointer associated with this frame. The data pointed to by this pointer is specific to provider implementation. |
noiseIntensity | The level of intensity of camera grain noise in a scene. |
projectionMatrix | The 4x4 projection matrix for the camera frame. |
properties | The set of all flags indicating which properties are included in the frame. |
timestampNs | The timestamp, in nanoseconds, associated with this frame. |
trackingState | The TrackingState associated with the camera. |
Name | Description |
Equals(object) | Compares for equality. |
Equals(XRCameraFrame) | Compares for equality. |
GetHashCode() | Generates a hash code suitable for use in |
ToString() | Generates a string representation of this XRCameraFrame suitable for debugging purposes. |
TryGetAverageBrightness(out float) | Provides the brightness for the whole image as an average of all pixels' brightness. |
TryGetAverageColorTemperature(out float) | Provides the color temperature for the whole image as an average of all pixels' color temperature. |
TryGetAverageIntensityInLumens(out float) | Provides the intensity, in lumens, for the environment. |
TryGetDisplayMatrix(out Matrix4x4) | Provides the display matrix defining how texture is being rendered on the screen. |
TryGetProjectionMatrix(out Matrix4x4) | Provides the projection matrix for the camera frame. |
TryGetTimestamp(out long) | Provides a timestamp of the camera frame. |
Name | Description |
operator ==(XRCameraFrame, XRCameraFrame) | Compares |
operator !=(XRCameraFrame, XRCameraFrame) | Compares |