Class Promise<T>
A Promise is used for operations that retrieve data asynchronously. Use this object to determine the status of the operation (that is, whether it has completed), and the resulting data.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEngine .XR.ARSubsystems
Assembly: solution.dll
public abstract class Promise<T> : CustomYieldInstruction, IEnumerator
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
T | The type of information the asynchronous operation retrieves. |
Since Promise<T> derives from CustomYieldInstruction
you can yield return
on a Promise in a coroutine. If you prefer not
to use the Promise as a coroutine, you can manually check keep
Example usage in a coroutine:
IEnumerator MyCoroutine()
var promise = GetDataAsync();
yield return promise;
Debug.LogFormat("Operation complete. Result = {0}", promise.result);
Name | Description |
keep |
Will return |
result | The result of the asynchronous operation.
Not valid until keep |
Name | Description |
Create |
Creates a resolved promise (that is, a promise that is already complete). |
On |
Invoked whenever keep |
Resolve(T) | The creator of the Promise<T> should call this when the asynchronous operation completes. |