Enum Feature
A set of flags representing features available in AR.
Namespace: UnityEngine.XR.ARSubsystems
public enum Feature : ulong
Name | Description | Value |
None | No features are selected. |
0 |
WorldFacingCamera | The world-facing camera. On a phone, this is the rear camera. |
1 |
UserFacingCamera | The user-facing camera. On a phone, this is the front camera. |
2 |
AnyCamera | Either camera (WorldFacingCamera or UserFacingCamera). |
3 |
RotationOnly | Rotation only tracking, i.e., 3 degrees of freedom without positional tracking. |
4 |
PositionAndRotation | Both position and rotation tracking, i.e., 6 degrees of freedom. |
8 |
AnyTrackingMode | Any tracking mode (RotationOnly or PositionAndRotation). |
12 |
FaceTracking | Face detection. See XRFaceSubsystem. |
16 |
PlaneTracking | Plane detection. See XRPlaneSubsystem. |
32 |
ImageTracking | Image detection. See XRImageTrackingSubsystem. |
64 |
ObjectTracking | 3D object detection. See XRObjectTrackingSubsystem. |
128 |
EnvironmentProbes | Environment probes. See XREnvironmentProbeSubsystem. |
256 |
Body2D | 2D human body tracking. See XRHumanBodySubsystem. |
512 |
Body3D | 3D human body tracking. See XRHumanBodySubsystem. |
1024 |
Body3DScaleEstimation | Estimate scale when performing 3D human body tracking, see Body3D. |
2048 |
PeopleOcclusionStencil | People occlusion with stencil texture enabled. See XROcclusionSubsystem. |
4096 |
PeopleOcclusionDepth | People occlusion with depth texture enabled. See XROcclusionSubsystem. |
8192 |
Collaboration | Collaborative session. See XRParticipantSubsystem. |
16384 |
AutoFocus | Auto focus enabled. |
32768 |
LightEstimationAmbientIntensity | Light estimation for ambient intensity. |
65536 |
LightEstimationAmbientColor | Light estimation for ambient color. |
131072 |
LightEstimationAmbientSphericalHarmonics | Light estimation for ambient spherical harmonics. |
262144 |
LightEstimationMainLightDirection | Light estimation for the main light's direction. |
524288 |
LightEstimationMainLightIntensity | Light estimation for the main light's intensity. |
1048576 |
AnyLightEstimation | A value with all light estimation related bits set. |
2031616 |
Raycast | Instant and Tracked raycasts. |
2097152 |
Meshing | A feature describing real-time meshing capability. |
4194304 |
MeshClassification | A feature describing classification for Meshing. |
8388608 |
PointCloud | A feature describing the ability to surface point clouds. |
16777216 |