Add images to a reference image library at runtime
On supported platforms, use this workflow to create a mutable reference image library and add images at runtime.
If this is your first exposure to reference image libraries, first refer to Introduction to image tracking.
Create a runtime reference image library
When AR Foundation uses a reference image library at runtime, it converts the library from type XRReferenceImageLibrary
, the Editor-friendly representation, to RuntimeReferenceImageLibrary
, the runtime representation. You need a RuntimeReferenceImageLibrary
to use mutable library APIs, and you can create one from an XRReferenceImageLibrary
using Create
void CreateRuntimeLibrary(ARTrackedImageManager m, XRReferenceImageLibrary lib)
var runtimeLibrary = m.CreateRuntimeLibrary(lib);
The ordering of the XRReferenceRuntimeReferenceImageLibrary
is undefined, so it might not match the order in which the images appeared in the source XRReferenceImageLibrary
Alternatively, to create an empty library, call CreateRuntimeLibrary
without arguments:
void CreateEmptyRuntimeLibrary(ARTrackedImageManager m)
var runtimeLibrary = m.CreateRuntimeLibrary();
Add reference images at runtime
If your target platform supports mutable libraries, any RuntimeReferenceImageLibrary
is also a mutable reference library. To add images to the library, simply typecast to MutableReferenceImageLibrary
as shown in the following code sample:
void AddImage(
ARTrackedImageManager m, RuntimeReferenceImageLibrary lib, Texture2D tex)
if (lib is MutableRuntimeReferenceImageLibrary mutableLibrary)
"my new image",
0.5f /* 50 cm */);
Multiple add image jobs can be processed concurrently, regardless of whether image tracking is already running in your app when you schedule the job.
You can't remove reference images from a reference image library at runtime. To stop tracking a particular reference image, instead use the AR Tracked Image Manager to set a different library at runtime.
Add reference images from NativeArrays
AR Foundation also supports adding reference images from a NativeArray
instead of Texture2D
. ScheduleNativeArray
when the job completes. You can do this by scheduling a dependent job that frees the memory:
ARTrackedImageManager m_Manager;
struct DeallocateJob : IJob
public NativeArray<byte> data;
public void Execute() { }
void AddImage(NativeArray<byte> grayscaleImageBytes,
int widthInPixels, int heightInPixels, float widthInMeters)
if (m_Manager.referenceLibrary is MutableRuntimeReferenceImageLibrary lib)
var aspectRatio = (float)widthInPixels / (float)heightInPixels;
var sizeInMeters = new Vector2(widthInMeters, widthInMeters * aspectRatio);
var referenceImage = new XRReferenceImage(
SerializableGuid.empty, // Guid is assigned after image is added
SerializableGuid.empty, // We don't have a Texture2D
sizeInMeters, "My Image", null);
var jobState = lib.ScheduleAddImageWithValidationJob(
new Vector2Int(widthInPixels, heightInPixels),
// Schedule a job that deallocates the image bytes after the image
// is added to the reference image library.
new DeallocateJob { data = grayscaleImageBytes }
// Cannot add the image, so dispose its memory.
Texture import settings
Image detection algorithms rely on accurate knowledge of a reference image's aspect ratio. However, Unity's default texture import setting adjusts texture resolutions to the nearest powers of 2 (PoT). This can have a negative effect on tracking capabilities when tracking non-power of 2 (NPoT) images.
When you import an NPoT image with default settings and add it to a MutableRuntimeReferenceImageLibrary
, you might see squashing, stretching, or scaling artifacts.
Configure texture import settings
To ensure images maintain their aspect ratio when imported:
- Select the images from your
folder to view the Import Settings in the Inspector. - Under Advanced settings, change the Non-Power of 2 texture import setting to None.
For textures with power-of 2 aspect ratios, Non-Power of 2 setting will not be selectable as no adjustments are necessary.