Hand tracking
This page supplements the XR Hands manual and only contains information about APIs where Google's Android XR runtime exhibits platform-specific behavior.
You must ensure to configure the appropriate Permissions to use hand tracking features on Android XR.
The XRHandSubsystem in Unity's XR Hands package requires an Android system permission on the Android XR runtime. Your user must grant your app the android.permission.HAND_TRACKING
permission before it can receive hand tracking data.
The hand tracking subsystem starts immediately after OpenXR is initialized. Google's Android XR runtime logs an error every frame that the hand tracking subsystem is running and the required permission has not been granted.
Use this example code to request the required permission if it hasn't already been granted:
const string k_Permission = "android.permission.HAND_TRACKING";
void Start()
if (!Permission.HasUserAuthorizedPermission(k_Permission))
var callbacks = new PermissionCallbacks();
callbacks.PermissionDenied += OnPermissionDenied;
callbacks.PermissionGranted += OnPermissionGranted;
Permission.RequestUserPermission(k_Permission, callbacks);
void OnPermissionDenied(string permission)
// handle denied permission
void OnPermissionGranted(string permission)
// handle granted permission
For a code sample that involves multiple permissions in a single request, refer to the Permissions page.