Variable Rate
Menu Path : Spawn > Variable Rate
The Variable Rate Block uses a more advanced approach than the Constant Rate Block. The spawn rate this Block applies is linearly interpolated between two rates within an interval defined by the period.
Block compatibility
This Block is compatible with the following Contexts:
Block properties
Input | Type | Description |
Rate | Vector2 | The two values this Block uses to calculate the spawn rate. The current rate is always a value between the two dimensions of this Vector2. |
Period | Vector2 | The minimum and maximum time period before this Block calculates a new spawn rate. A higher period leads to a smoother change in rate while a small period leads to a higher frequency rate change. |
You can emulate this Block with the following equivalent custom spawner callback implementation:
class VariableRateEquivalent : VFXSpawnerCallbacks
public class InputProperties
public Vector2 Rate;
public Vector2 Period;
static private readonly int rateID = Shader.PropertyToID("Rate");
static private readonly int periodID = Shader.PropertyToID("Period");
public sealed override void OnPlay(VFXSpawnerState state, VFXExpressionValues vfxValues, VisualEffect vfxComponent)
float m_PrevRate;
float m_NextRate;
float m_PrevTime;
float m_NextTime;
void AdvanceRate(float totalTime, Vector2 rate, Vector2 period)
m_PrevRate = m_NextRate;
m_PrevTime = totalTime;
m_NextRate = Random.Range(rate.x, rate.y);
m_NextTime = totalTime + Random.Range(period.x, period.y);
public sealed override void OnUpdate(VFXSpawnerState state, VFXExpressionValues vfxValues, VisualEffect vfxComponent)
if (state.newLoop)
AdvanceRate(state.totalTime, vfxValues.GetVector2(rateID), vfxValues.GetVector2(periodID));
if (state.playing)
float range = m_NextTime - m_PrevTime;
float ratio = 1.0f;
if (range > 0.0f)
ratio = Mathf.Clamp01((state.totalTime - m_PrevTime) / range);
float rate = Mathf.Lerp(m_PrevRate, m_NextRate, ratio);
if (ratio == 1.0f)
AdvanceRate(state.totalTime, vfxValues.GetVector2(rateID), vfxValues.GetVector2(periodID));
state.spawnCount += rate * state.deltaTime;
public sealed override void OnStop(VFXSpawnerState state, VFXExpressionValues vfxValues, VisualEffect vfxComponent)