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Enumeration BodyType

Enum that defines how a physics body reacts under physics simulation.


Enumeration members

Enumeration members


BulletDynamic: = 3

BulletDynamic bodies are like Dynamic bodies, but use continuous collision detection when testing collisions against other Dynamic bodies. Dynamic bodies always use continuous collision detection against static and kinematic bodies, but use discrete collision detection against other dynamic bodies for performance reasons.

Set the body type of fast-moving dynamic objects to BulletDynamic to have them perform accurate, but more resource-intensive continuous collision detection that prevents tunneling.


Dynamic: = 2

Dynamic bodies are fully simulated by physics, and collide with other static, kinematic and dynamic bodies. Normally you move dynamic bodies using impulses rather than setting their velocity or position directly.


Kinematic: = 1

Kinematic bodies are simulated forward according to their velocity, but they behave as if they have infinite mass, and do not react to forces. Kinematic bodies do not collide with other kinematic bodies, or with static bodies. To provide behavior for a kinematic body, you can set its position and velocity fields while it is simulating.


Static: = 0

Static bodies do not move under simulation, and behave as if they had infinite mass. They do not collide with other static or kinematic bodies.

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