Class Events
Events invoked during a code coverage session. A code coverage session is the period between starting and finishing capturing code coverage data.
Namespace: UnityEditor.TestTools.CodeCoverage
Assembly: Unity.TestTools.CodeCoverage.Editor.dll
public static class Events
In the following example we create event handler methods which subscribe to the onCoverageSessionStarted, onCoverageSessionFinished, onCoverageSessionPaused and onCoverageSessionUnpaused events. We use the InitializeOnLoad attribute to make sure that they will resubscribe on Domain Reload, when we enter Play Mode for example.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.TestTools.CodeCoverage;
public class CoverageSessionListener
static CoverageSessionListener()
Events.onCoverageSessionStarted += OnSessionStarted;
Events.onCoverageSessionFinished += OnSessionFinished;
Events.onCoverageSessionPaused += OnSessionPaused;
Events.onCoverageSessionUnpaused += OnSessionUnpaused;
static void OnSessionStarted(SessionEventInfo args)
Debug.Log($"{args.SessionMode} Code Coverage Session Started");
static void OnSessionFinished(SessionEventInfo args)
Debug.Log($"{args.SessionMode} Code Coverage Session Finished");
string paths = string.Empty;
foreach (string path in args.SessionResultPaths)
paths = string.Concat(paths, "\n", path);
Debug.Log($"Code Coverage Results were saved in: {paths}");
static void OnSessionPaused(SessionEventInfo args)
Debug.Log($"{args.SessionMode} Code Coverage Session Paused");
static void OnSessionUnpaused(SessionEventInfo args)
Debug.Log($"{args.SessionMode} Code Coverage Session Unpaused");
This event is invoked when a code coverage session is finished.
public static event Action<SessionEventInfo> onCoverageSessionFinished
Event Type
Type | Description |
Action<SessionEventInfo> |
This event is invoked when a code coverage session is paused.
public static event Action<SessionEventInfo> onCoverageSessionPaused
Event Type
Type | Description |
Action<SessionEventInfo> |
This event is invoked when a code coverage session is started.
public static event Action<SessionEventInfo> onCoverageSessionStarted
Event Type
Type | Description |
Action<SessionEventInfo> |
This event is invoked when a code coverage session is unpaused.
public static event Action<SessionEventInfo> onCoverageSessionUnpaused
Event Type
Type | Description |
Action<SessionEventInfo> |