Struct NativeSpline
A read-only representation of Spline that is optimized for efficient access and queries. NativeSpline can be constructed with a spline and Transform. If a transform is applied, all values will be relative to the transformed knot positions.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEngine.Splines
public struct NativeSpline : ISpline, IReadOnlyList<BezierKnot>, IReadOnlyCollection<BezierKnot>, IEnumerable<BezierKnot>, IEnumerable, IDisposable
NativeSpline is compatible with the job system.
NativeSpline(IReadOnlyList<BezierKnot>, Boolean, float4x4, Boolean, Allocator)
Create a new NativeSpline from a set of BezierKnot.
public NativeSpline(IReadOnlyList<BezierKnot> knots, bool closed, float4x4 transform, bool cacheUpVectors, Allocator allocator = Allocator.Temp)
Type | Name | Description |
IReadOnlyList<BezierKnot> | knots | A collection of sequential BezierKnot forming the spline path. |
Boolean | closed | Whether the spline is open (has a start and end point) or closed (forms an unbroken loop). |
float4x4 | transform | Apply a transformation matrix to the control Knots. |
Boolean | cacheUpVectors | Whether to cache the values of the Up vectors along the entire spline to reduce the time it takes to access those Up vectors. If you set this to true, the creation of native splines might be less performant because all the Up vectors along the spline are computed. Consider how often you need to access the values of Up vectors along the spline before you cache them. |
Allocator | allocator | The memory allocation method to use when reserving space for native arrays. |
NativeSpline(IReadOnlyList<BezierKnot>, Boolean, float4x4, Allocator)
Create a new NativeSpline from a set of BezierKnot.
public NativeSpline(IReadOnlyList<BezierKnot> knots, bool closed, float4x4 transform, Allocator allocator = Allocator.Temp)
Type | Name | Description |
IReadOnlyList<BezierKnot> | knots | A collection of sequential BezierKnot forming the spline path. |
Boolean | closed | Whether the spline is open (has a start and end point) or closed (forms an unbroken loop). |
float4x4 | transform | Apply a transformation matrix to the control Knots. |
Allocator | allocator | The memory allocation method to use when reserving space for native arrays. |
NativeSpline(IReadOnlyList<BezierKnot>, IReadOnlyList<Int32>, Boolean, float4x4, Boolean, Allocator)
Create a new NativeSpline from a set of BezierKnot.
public NativeSpline(IReadOnlyList<BezierKnot> knots, IReadOnlyList<int> splits, bool closed, float4x4 transform, bool cacheUpVectors, Allocator allocator = Allocator.Temp)
Type | Name | Description |
IReadOnlyList<BezierKnot> | knots | A collection of sequential BezierKnot forming the spline path. |
IReadOnlyList<Int32> | splits | A collection of knot indices that should be considered degenerate curves for the purpose of creating a non-interpolated gap between curves. |
Boolean | closed | Whether the spline is open (has a start and end point) or closed (forms an unbroken loop). |
float4x4 | transform | Apply a transformation matrix to the control Knots. |
Boolean | cacheUpVectors | Whether to cache the values of the Up vectors along the entire spline to reduce the time it takes to access those Up vectors. If you set this to true, the creation of native splines might be less performant because all the Up vectors along the spline are computed. Consider how often you need to access the values of Up vectors along the spline before you cache them. |
Allocator | allocator | The memory allocation method to use when reserving space for native arrays. |
NativeSpline(IReadOnlyList<BezierKnot>, IReadOnlyList<Int32>, Boolean, float4x4, Allocator)
Create a new NativeSpline from a set of BezierKnot.
public NativeSpline(IReadOnlyList<BezierKnot> knots, IReadOnlyList<int> splits, bool closed, float4x4 transform, Allocator allocator = Allocator.Temp)
Type | Name | Description |
IReadOnlyList<BezierKnot> | knots | A collection of sequential BezierKnot forming the spline path. |
IReadOnlyList<Int32> | splits | A collection of knot indices that should be considered degenerate curves for the purpose of creating a non-interpolated gap between curves. |
Boolean | closed | Whether the spline is open (has a start and end point) or closed (forms an unbroken loop). |
float4x4 | transform | Apply a transformation matrix to the control Knots. |
Allocator | allocator | The memory allocation method to use when reserving space for native arrays. |
NativeSpline(ISpline, Boolean, Allocator)
Create a new NativeSpline from a set of BezierKnot.
public NativeSpline(ISpline spline, bool cacheUpVectors, Allocator allocator = Allocator.Temp)
Type | Name | Description |
ISpline | spline | The ISpline object to convert to a NativeSpline. |
Boolean | cacheUpVectors | Whether to cache the values of the Up vectors along the entire spline to reduce the time it takes to access those Up vectors. If you set this to true, the creation of native splines might be less performant because all the Up vectors along the spline are computed. Consider how often you need to access the values of Up vectors along the spline before you cache them. |
Allocator | allocator | The memory allocation method to use when reserving space for native arrays. |
NativeSpline(ISpline, Allocator)
Create a new NativeSpline from a set of BezierKnot.
public NativeSpline(ISpline spline, Allocator allocator = Allocator.Temp)
Type | Name | Description |
ISpline | spline | The ISpline object to convert to a NativeSpline. |
Allocator | allocator | The memory allocation method to use when reserving space for native arrays. |
NativeSpline(ISpline, float4x4, Boolean, Allocator)
Create a new NativeSpline from a set of BezierKnot.
public NativeSpline(ISpline spline, float4x4 transform, bool cacheUpVectors, Allocator allocator = Allocator.Temp)
Type | Name | Description |
ISpline | spline | The ISpline object to convert to a NativeSpline. |
float4x4 | transform | A transform matrix to be applied to the spline knots and tangents. |
Boolean | cacheUpVectors | Whether to cache the values of the Up vectors along the entire spline to reduce the time it takes to access those Up vectors. If you set this to true, the creation of native splines might be less performant because all the Up vectors along the spline are computed. Consider how often you need to access the values of Up vectors along the spline before you cache them. |
Allocator | allocator | The memory allocation method to use when reserving space for native arrays. |
NativeSpline(ISpline, float4x4, Allocator)
Create a new NativeSpline from a set of BezierKnot.
public NativeSpline(ISpline spline, float4x4 transform, Allocator allocator = Allocator.Temp)
Type | Name | Description |
ISpline | spline | The ISpline object to convert to a NativeSpline. |
float4x4 | transform | A transform matrix to be applied to the spline knots and tangents. |
Allocator | allocator | The memory allocation method to use when reserving space for native arrays. |
Whether the spline is open (has a start and end point) or closed (forms an unbroken loop).
public readonly bool Closed { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Boolean |
Return the number of knots.
public readonly int Count { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Int32 |
A NativeArray of BezierCurve that form this Spline.
public readonly NativeArray<BezierCurve> Curves { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
NativeArray<BezierCurve> | Returns a reference to the curves array. |
Get the knot at index
public readonly BezierKnot this[int index] { get; }
Type | Name | Description |
Int32 | index | The zero-based index of the knot. |
Property Value
Type | Description |
BezierKnot |
A NativeArray of BezierKnot that form this Spline.
public readonly NativeArray<BezierKnot> Knots { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
NativeArray<BezierKnot> | Returns a reference to the knots array. |
Release allocated resources.
public void Dispose()
Get a BezierCurve from a knot index.
public BezierCurve GetCurve(int index)
Type | Name | Description |
Int32 | index | The knot index that serves as the first control point for this curve. |
Type | Description |
BezierCurve | A BezierCurve formed by the knot at index and the next knot. |
GetCurveInterpolation(Int32, Single)
Return the normalized interpolation (t) corresponding to a distance on a BezierCurve.
public float GetCurveInterpolation(int curveIndex, float curveDistance)
Type | Name | Description |
Int32 | curveIndex | The zero-based index of the curve. |
Single | curveDistance | The curve-relative distance to convert to an interpolation ratio (also referred to as 't'). |
Type | Description |
Single | The normalized interpolation ratio associated to distance on the designated curve. |
Get the length of a BezierCurve.
public float GetCurveLength(int curveIndex)
Type | Name | Description |
Int32 | curveIndex | The 0 based index of the curve to find length for. |
Type | Description |
Single | The length of the bezier curve at index. |
GetCurveUpVector(Int32, Single)
Return the up vector for a t ratio on the curve.
public float3 GetCurveUpVector(int index, float t)
Type | Name | Description |
Int32 | index | The index of the curve for which the length needs to be retrieved. |
Single | t | A value between 0 and 1 representing the ratio along the spline. |
Type | Description |
float3 | Returns the up vector at the t ratio of the curve of index 'index'. |
Get an enumerator that iterates through the BezierKnot collection.
public IEnumerator<BezierKnot> GetEnumerator()
Type | Description |
IEnumerator<BezierKnot> | An IEnumerator that is used to iterate the BezierKnot collection. |
Return the sum of all curve lengths, accounting for Closed state. Note that this value is affected by the transform used to create this NativeSpline.
public float GetLength()
Type | Description |
Single | Returns the sum length of all curves composing this spline, accounting for closed state. |
Explicit Interface Implementations
Gets an enumerator that iterates through the BezierKnot collection.
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
Type | Description |
IEnumerator | An IEnumerator that is used to iterate the BezierKnot collection. |