Manipulate splines
You can move, rotate, and scale splines like other GameObjects. See Positioning GameObjects in the Unity User Manual to learn more.
Knots and tangents determine a spline's path and shape. To change a spline's path or shape, manipulate a spline's knots and tangents.
Select knots or tangents in the Scene view
Activate the Spline tool context to use the Move, Rotate, and Scale tools on knots or tangents in the Scene view. Once your active tool context is Spline, a spline's knots and tangents are visible and you can select them in the Scene view. When your active tool context is Spline, you can't select GameObjects that aren't splines in the Scene view.
To select the knots or tangents of a spline in the Scene view:
- In the Hierarchy window or Scene view, select a GameObject with a Spline component.
- In the Tools overlay, set the tool context to Spline.
- In the Scene view, select a knot or tangent.
- To select multiple knots and tangents, do one of the following:
- Click and drag to draw a box over multiple knots and tangents.
- Hold Shift and then click the knots or tangents you want to select.
Toggle tool handle positions with splines
You can toggle tool handle positions for knots and tangents like you would with other GameObjects. When you have multiple knots and tangents selected, a tool's handle position affects the behavior of some transform tools, such as the Rotate and Scale tools.
Use the tool handle position toggles in the Tool Settings Overlay to select the following tool handle positions for knots and tangents:
Pivot: Set the tool handle at the active element's pivot point. The active element is the last item you selected. If you select multiple knots or tangents:
- The Rotate tool rotates the active element around its own pivot point and then applies that same rotation to the other knots in the selection.
- The Scale tool scales the knots and tangents from each element's own pivot point.
Center: Set the tool handle at the center of a selection. If you select multiple knots or tangents:
- The Rotate tool rotates the knots or tangents around a handle centered between the selected elements.
- The Scale tool scales the knots or tangents from a handle centered between the selected elements.
Toggle tool handle rotation with splines
You can toggle tool handle rotations for knots and tangents like you would with other GameObjects. Besides the default tool handle rotation settings, Global and Local, knots and tangents have the Parent and Element handle rotations. When you have multiple knots and tangents selected, a tool's handle rotation setting affects the behavior of some transform tools, such as the Rotate and Scale tools.
Use the tool handle rotation position toggles in the Tool Settings Overlay to select the following tool handle rotation positions for knots and tangents:
- Global: Clamp a spline element to world space orientation.
- Local: Keep a spline element's rotation relative to its parent spline.
- Parent: Set spline elements to take their parent element's orientation. For example, a tangent with its tool handle rotation set to Parent keeps its orientation relative to its parent knot. A knot with its tool handle rotation set to Parent keeps its orientation relative to its parent spline GameObject.
- Element: Set the tool handle to the active element's orientation.